3: ❤️Will You Take Care of Me?❤️

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Have you ever felt so exhausted that it affected you not only mentally but physically? To the point where you just give up and pass out no matter where or when? Because this is what happened to Mu Qing. And it did NOT feel good.

As a perfectionist, Mu Qing accomplishes his work flawlessly every time. Each in turn. Unsurprisingly, that implied he spent a lot of time honing them, which eventually led to him having accumulated new work.

He gets two to three hours of sleep at best and almost no time to take care of himself. Usually ,these circumstances persist for a very long time.

When it comes to body control, humans fall short. Several medical ailments can be brought on by sleep deprivation. Hence, if Mu Qing were human, he would have probably died by now.

But that's the thing-

he isn't human. At least not anymore.

This is always Mu Qing's excuse. He believes that so long as he is a God, he can handle a thing as simple sounding as this.

It had to be established eventually that this was the incorrect approach.

Mu Qing, however, had no idea that he would have to endure such humiliation in order to come to that realisation.


It was pretty early in the morning. If you were in the Heavens right now, you would be able to observe General Xuan Zhen speed walking to a meeting.

He is late. He knew it was a bad idea to not check his schedule and prepare a couple of hours ago. He felt a few eyes on him as he rapidly entered the meeting location. He got stares, most likely because he looked like a mess.

Due to lack of sleep, he has small bags under his eyes. He had a low ponytail that was a little sloppy because he was running late, and he was wearing very ugly and tasteless robes because he did not have time to choose an outfit.

All Mu Qing did was internally roll his eyes and close the doors behind him. He quickly apologized for his late arrival and began searching for a spot to take.

The stares were unsettling Mu Qing, so he made an effort to seek more quickly. His entire body started to feel incredibly heavy. His legs started to go weak, and all of a sudden, his eyesight was filled with black spots. He only just managed to find one location.

It was becoming more difficult for him to concentrate on the meeting. Receiving several murmurs from other gods was of no assistance to him. It grew harder for him to breathe, and he started to feel sick. He was so exhausted that he was trembling. There was loud ringing in his ears, and that was the last straw.

Many Gods, including Feng Xin, were seen in the final picture Mu Qing saw before he collapsed to the ground, giving him concerned looks. Pathetic. How could he allow himself to be so vulnerable in the presence of other gods, especially the one he ought to despise the most?

There were some loud voices heard before he completely blacked out.


When Mu Qing woke up, he quickly raised himself up, thinking he was still in the meeting. But the first thing he noticed was that he was in a bedroom. Not his. A huge headache hit him, so he had to lie back down.

Mu Qing began observing his surroundings.

His outer robes were taken off, and he was covered in wonderfully cozy blankets. His hair was undone, and his head was resting on several cushions.

Whose bedroom was he in? Dark red curtains surrounded the sides of the bed he was lying on, leaving only the front exposed. He could tell that the place was fairly orderly. The owner maintained a better level of organisation than Mu Qing did.

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