11:❤️‍🔥Our First Time(More like yours.)❤️‍🔥

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Pray kink(Kind of?)

Bottom Feng Xin

Anyway, I hope someone actually reads this one :D


"Why the fuck are you here?"

Feng Xin looked up from his desk when he heard the door to his chambers open. To his surprise (not really), the person standing there was Xuan Zhen.

A voice rang in his head. "I'm so sorry, General Nan Yang! I-I tried to warn you about General Xuan Zhen's arrival, but he wouldn't stop to listen!" His deputy blabbered on. She sounded slightly panicked.

He placed two fingers on the side of his forehead, answering. "No harm done. Carry on with your duties."

Once done, he made eye contact with Mu Qing, who seemed a bit more emotional than usual. "Answer my question."

The other stayed silent but made an effort to close the door. After doing so, he rushed to Feng Xin's desk. Now he was standing in front of it.

He frowned. "You know, just because we've known each other for so long doesn't give you the right to barge into my palace like—"

Not letting Feng Xin finish, he slammed his hands onto the desk, knocking some scrolls down. "Teach me how to have sex!" He screamed out, overcomming his nervousness.

"-we are long friends.." His words silenced and shocked the God of the Southeast. He looked into Mu Qing's flushed face, feeling his own get red. "Pardon..?"

"Are you deaf?! I want to learn how to have sex!" He exclaimed.

Feng Xin was.. flabbergasted, to say the least. He expected anything from Mu Qing, anything except this.. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to form a correct way to respond. Finally, he came up with one.

"You are asking sex advice from a man who had done it one time and doesn't even remember much..?" Feng Xin looked at him, with a non serious look.

"Shouldn't this sort of stuff be Ming Guang's department..?"

Mu Qing's face became a brighter shade of red as he turned his head away. "Well— Ugh! I-I'm not planning to take advice from a womanizer! Additionally, he'd probably deny my request and spread word about me."

Feng Xin's next question silenced him. "What makes you think I wouldn't deny? Or spread the word?"

Feng Xin noticed Mu Qing's breathing become fast. "I know you aren't the kind of person to enjoy rumours, and I know you'd do everything to help others.. Also.."

He covered his blushing face in his hand, facing Feng Xin, but not exactly making eye contact with him. "I-.. I-I supposed I trust you.." He whispered, and Feng Xin almost missed it.

Feng Xin blushed. He didn't see it, but he felt it. "O-oh.."

They stayed silent for a moment. It was killing. Then, he spoke up first.

"I can.. try to give some tips I learned from the first time I... yeah." Mu Qing gave him a hopeful look. "B-but do not expect me to be an expert in this kind of stuff!"

Mu Qing showed a small smile on his face and turned away to leave. "Thank you.." With that, he closed the door.

Feng Xin stared at the closed door, trying to process their conversation and what he agreed on. With a realization, he screamed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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