2: ❤️‍🩹Of All Gods..❤️‍🩹

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Feng Xin is not aware of how he got himself into this situation.

A Heavenly Official is responsible for keeping their believers safe and answering their prayers. Feng Xin always made sure to fulfill his duties.

However, these couple of weeks had been exeedingly pressuring; tons of complaints about the areas of Southeast, several meetings needed to be attended to, and prayers, prayers again... and, surprise, even more prayers. Feng Xin has no idea how this happened. He always kept himself organized.

This was one of his stressful nights where he was alone in his office, sitting in front of a table that holds a bunch of stacked up paperwork, reading them one by one, determined to finish them all.

Just go along with it I promise to improve ok😭)

Due to him feeling lightheaded, some words began to blur.

'Great General Nan Yang, please hear out this lowly one, and %&>%#= my family eternal happiness!'

'Please lend me #%%#% of your luck, $^&$$& Lord Nan Yang.'

'Oh, dear Lord Ju Yang, my husband doesn't-' NO.

Feng Xin refuses to finish reading that.

"My subordinates can handle this." he told himself.

He picks up another scroll

'A report directed towards $^$#&*>< Nan Yang:
Three young adults have verified that in the Forest of &[#÷@%% indeed roams a frightening &^*%$$^. Please address this matter #&$&*$*). You have our #%#%$.'

His headache is getting worse...

Suddenly, he remembered all the praises he earned himself as a God.

"It is said that General Nan Yang is always extremely loyal!"

"Being a martial God, Nan Yang never forgets to stay polite. I believe this is a very good attribute to have."

" General Ju Yang is so responsible. I heard that he answers to almost every prayer of his followers!"

Look at him now. Not even ten prayers answered, and he feels like he will pass out any moment. He keeps procrastinating every five minutes. Time seemed to slow down. (Feng Xin is fr me doing my homework at 2am)

That made Feng Xin form questions in his head:

How did he end up in this nuisance?

Is he genuinely worthy of all those praises and compliments?

Is he fitting for the job as a God?

What if he let's down his followers..?

Throughout his whole life, he has been nothing but a betrayer. He had left a woman and their child alone with no kind of support to live in harsh conditions. He had abandoned his Highness when the other needed help the most. And before that, he had let Mu Qing leave-

Mu Qing.

He is right to hate him. He is right to call him a coward.

Countless thoughts began filling his head. His hands were shaking, his breathing got faster, and even more weight was added in this head.

Through his blurred vision, he noticed a scroll in his hand get a few water drops on it.

Wait- water drops?

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