5:❤️‍🩹Sunlight And Moonlight❤️‍🩹

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Mu Qing screamed as he saw his mother in a very poor state lying on the floor of their small house. He never expected this, as he went to find them something for dinner today.

Once he placed her head on his lap, he sobbed. She appeared to be in genuine anguish, which Mu Qing loathed. He loathes to witness his mother's suffering. He loathes the fact that they must live in such substandard housing. He loathes his limited ability to assist.

His life is miserable.

Mu Qing called out for his mother as he shook her awake. Her lips parted, and her eyes were barely open as she took a deep breath. She tries to bring her hand up to reach for her son's face as she makes eye contact with him, almost failing until he grabs her hand and puts it on his face for her.

"Qing.. You are here." Her voice was barely above whisper, and it made Mu Qing's heartbeat faster.

"I am..s..o proud of how you came out. Even if we lived like this.." She hardly sounded alive anymore. Tears ran on her face. "Qing.. I am sorry."

"I am s-..orry you had to live like this, with me." No.

"I am sorry you did not get a good life that you deserve." Slow down.

"I a..am sorry -" she coughed hard before continuing. ".. that I was a bother to you and yo-..our life." Stop it.

"I am sorry I was not abl..e to make it up to you." Please.

"I am sorry I ought to leave you l.. like this." Not yet.


"I am sorry.. to bring you so much pain."

Mu Qing did not know what to say. And he didn't have to, because the next thing he heard was her last breath.

He had to abandon His Highness and Feng Xin to take care of his mother. He had to choose someone to loose, he did not know he would lose all three of them.

Mu Qing did not have any energy to yell or scream for her to come back. He felt empty. All he could do was stare at her lifeless body as tears streamed down his face.

He is alone.

He is not ready.

Come back.


He didn't recognise that he was in his own palace until after a short while. Then it was just a nightmare, right?

Mu Qing was unsure about how to resume sleeping. He lacked the necessary courage. He did not intend to revisit that.

He did not wish to remain by himself.

Mu Qing was aware that there was only one approach to this problem.


"You decided to come to my palace in the middle of the night?" His gaze fell to the ground as the other crossed his arms.

"What, I am suddenly not allowed to visit anymore?" Can't Feng Xin see that he was in a vulnerable state now? He was aware that he was stupid, but not to this extent. He is not even making fun of Mu Qing, just being annoyingly stupid. "In the middle of the night.. Ugh, fine."

Feng Xin seemed to take the hint and opened the doors to welcome the other Martial God. "Tea? Coffee? Anything?" Feng Xin offered.

"No, " 'Thank you' was what he wanted to say but stopped. He still has trouble with showing emotions towards others. Mu Qing went to sit on Feng Xin's massive bed.

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