4: 🧚‍♂️❤️Unexpected Desire(Pt 1?)❤️🧚‍♂️

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Another task that needed to be accomplished had been presented to Feng Xin. Naturally, he had to enter the mortal realm for that to happen. He was presently conversing with Ling Wen. In person, she excels at providing more thorough explanations.

"In a particular nightclub, the elderly man may frequently be spotted overindulging alchohol. Several murders at that same club have occurred shortly after he began frequenting it. Young women comprised the majority of the victims. General Nan Yang, I'm sure you understand what that means." Even the thought of it made Feng Xin shudder.

"When questioned, the majority of the clients give the same response. The man was frequently observed conversing to a woman and then escorting them from the bar." Ling Wen went on.

"So, what you are saying is, I must determine whether he is an actual offender or not and catch him." Feng Xin responded right away. The work did not appear difficult. "Presicely. I have found you a partner for the job. Not that I mistrust your strength, but for your protection."

Why would a powerful god like Feng Xin ever require assistance? Ling Wen's concern,
though, was touching. "Who will I be -?" A recognisable voice from behind interrupted him before he could complete his question.

"Ling Wen, I was told you wish to see me?" Feng Xin spun around and met the God behind him in the blink of an eye.

"You?!" Feng Xin and Mu Qing both spoke at the same moment. What brought Mu Qing here? He was unable to possibly be..

"Ah, you arrived just in time, General Xuan Zhen." She bowed.

As no other God was accessible to check this situation, Ling Wen indicated that they would both be cooperating. The Martial Gods were busy exchanging the 'I await your fall every day' stare while she continued to tell the same tale.

"I've created a strategy that should enable you both to finish the job as swiftly as feasible." Ling Wen got up from the desk she was sitting at.

"You'll need to entice this individual from the club so you can see if the hypotheses are accurate. But one of you will have to change genders to make this work." Ling Wen sighed as they both looked at her in utter bewilderment.

A female voice uttered something abruptly from behind both Martial Gods. "I waited far too long for this occasion." The Wind Master's voice, which everyone will recognise.

They all turned towards the direction the sound came from. "Wind Master." Ling Wen bowed in acknowledgement. "May I question what business you have here?"

The other lady turned towards her. "Originally, I was here to pick up some things for a friend. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation!" As always, the Wing Mater looked and acted more excited than any other God in the room.

"So~!" She said excitedly with a smile. "Who will be switching?"

Mu Qing and Feng Xin both glared at each other and nodded. No one was willing to take the role, but if it was mandatory...

There was only one way to finalize this.







Mu Qing chose paper, while Feng Xin chose a rock.


Paper beats rock.


He lost.


He will need to transform into a woman.

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