Come Back.

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*3rd Person*

"Hey, Sammy?" Sam looked up from his book. "What's up?" Dean tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he reached over and turned down his music. "Do you remember the hunt in Huston? When Y/n put ich powder in your pants."

Sam chuckled, "How could I forget it, she glued your hand to a beer bottle when you were asleep."

A soft smile appeared on Dean's face. "God I miss those times." Sam smiled to himself looking down at his book again.

"Me too."

Dean reached back down and slowly turned the music up, a new song was playing. It was your favorite song *Insert Favorite Song here*

Dean starts slowly swaying his head to the melody, singing along under his breath.


Dean was laying on his motel bed just staring up at the ceiling, your favorite song still playing over and over again in his head.

Sam was sitting at the table just finishing up some research when he turned to Dean. "Hey, why did you bring up the Huston hunt?"

Dean sat up from his bed turning to Sam, "Just to talk about the good old days. That was one of the last hunts we went on with Y/n."

Sam sighed turning back to his book.

Dean looked down at his hands tracing a heart in his left palm. "Sammy, have you tried calling her?"

Sam kinda snapped at Dean "I told you, she wants nothing to do with me."

Dean nodded his head standing up. "Jesus sorry for asking. I'm going out to get food, want anything?" Sam shook his head. "Not hungry."

Dean grabbed his coat and went out the door.

Sam felt bad for snapping at Dean, but you were a touchy subject for him. Sam had at one point a crush on you when you all started hunting together, but eventually, it faded and you too became best friends. But Sam soon realized you had a crush on Dean and he got extremely jealous and pushed you away, so you left to not tare the two brothers apart. But it wasn't just a crush.

Dean was sitting in the local gas station parking lot just staring at his phone. He finally dialed a number slowly putting it up to his ear.

You-"Dean? You there?"
Dean- "Yeah, I'm here."
You-"Is everything ok?"
Dean- "What? No yeah, everything is ok."
You- "Dean what's on your mind?"
Dean- "Nothing."
You- "Dean you're not ok what's wrong?"  
Dean- "You have to come back. Sam needs you, you were his best friend. And the truth is I need you back too."
You- "Dean. You know-" 
Dean- "I know Sam's upset but he'll get over it."                                                                                          


Dean- "Please sweetheart. We are working a hunt a state over, just please at least swing by."
You- "Send me the address of your motel, I'll leave in the morning." 
Dean- "Thank you. Drive Safe."
You- "Always do. I love you." 
Dean- "I love you too."

*CALL ENDS*     

Dean puts his phone down beside him, starting the engine of Baby. Before he pulled out he put your favorite song on listening to it on repeat, due to the fact it reminded him of all his favorite memories of you two. 

Dean unlocked and opened the motel door, walking in and plopping on the bed. Sam was still in the same spot, where Dean had left him.

Sam glanced up from his computer, as a confused look appeared on his face. 


"What Sammy?" He got more comfortable on the bed, taking off his jacket.

"You didn't bring any food back." 

Dean quickly panicked, realizing calling you made him totally forget about food. "I-I ate in the car. I was super hungry." 

Sam raised his eyebrows. "Ok. I guess. Wanna go get drinks?"

Dean was relieved that the subject was changed. "Of course." Dean stood up again throwing his coat back on and walked out the door. 

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