Lover Boy.

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*Dean's POV*

I was sitting on my bed staring down at my phone. I dial her number. 

It rings and rings, Then it stops.

"Hey it's Y/n, you've reached my voicemail. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. If it's an emergency call, Sam or Dean." 

The phone beeped. 

"Hey, sweetheart. It's me again. I just really needed to hear your voice. We've been looking everywhere. It's been 2 months since you've been gone. I don't even know what to do anymore." A tear rolled down my face.

"God I hope you're alright. We will find you I promise. I love you." 

I hung up. Staring at my phone. Tears running down my face. 

Then I did something that I haven't done in years. I held my hands and closed my eyes. 

"To whoever is listening right now, I need your help.  I can't do it. I need something. Anything. A sign in the right direction. Something. I can't imagine a world with her gone. Please." 

I heard a knock on my door. I quickly whipped my tears, "Yeah?"

The door slowly opened. It was Cas.

"Hey, Dean. Sam brought pizza back if you would like some."

I look down tracing a heart in my palm. "Ok. I'll be out then."

I looked up watching the door close. Tears started flooding my eyes, as I stand up walking over to my desk. 

I reach down to the second drawer pulling it open. I grab out a book, on the front, it says
"Our Favorite Memories"

It was a gift Y/n made for me on my birthday. 

I walk back over to my bed sitting down, opening the first page of the book. It had a handwritten note on it, 



I hope we can look back on these pictures one day and laugh about all of our favorite memories. 

Happy Birthday, Lover Boy. I love you most. <3

                        Love, Y/n

I smile at the note, whipping tears from my face as I flip the page. There was one picture on each page, on the first page was a picture of Sammy and I at her 21st birthday party. 

She always said this was her favorite picture of her boys

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She always said this was her favorite picture of her boys. 

The picture on the next page was more recent. It was us on our anniversary. 

This was my favorite picture of us

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This was my favorite picture of us.

I sat flipping through pages for about an hour until I heard another knock on my door. I didn't move, I didn't wipe my tears, I didn't care.

I heard a voice on the other side of the door. "Dean? Can I come in?" 

"Yeah, Sam you can come in."

I heard the door open, but I continued staring down at the book. 

Sam walked over and sat beside me on my bed. "Hey, you alright?"  

I shook my head, Sam looked down at the book seeing one of the pictures Jo had taken of us. 

Sam hesitated, trying to speak but the words just weren't coming out

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Sam hesitated, trying to speak but the words just weren't coming out.

"Yes. Sam, we are dating." I closed and handed him the book.

"How long?" Sam took the book and opened it to the first page, reading the note.

"2 years. We should have told you sooner, but we-" 

Sam shook his head turning the page, seeing the picture of him and I. "It's ok. I had a feeling."

He flipped through the pages, as I sat with my face in my hands. 

"Dean I'm sorry." 

I finally whipped the tears from my face looking over at him. "Sam. You want to know why she called you that night?" 

Sam nodded his head. "I asked her to come to our motel the next day. Jody said she called you so she could make sure you two were good before she just showed up." 

I started tracing a heart in my palm again. "She's gone because of me."

Sam shook his head handing me the book back. "No, it's not. She was there because of me. Not you." 

Sam stood up walking out, slowly closing the door behind him. 

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