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*Your POV*

I slowly opened my eyes. What the?

I looked around, there were beautiful mountains and a big lake. I turned around seeing a small building so I walked toward it.

"Hello anyone there?" 

I walked up beside the building, when I reached the front I see someone sitting in a chair. 

"Hey do you kn-" 

I paused getting a good look at who was sitting there. 


He smiled at me, "Hey kid."

I looked around again. "So I'm guessing that means." 

Bobby nodded. "Oh yeah your dead." 

I chuckled as I sat down. "It's good to see you old man." 

He shot me a look. "Yeah you too idjet."

"It's really pretty up here."

Bobby smiled looking out at the lake. "Don't get too comfortable you won't be here long."  

I turned looking at him with a confused look. "What? What do you mean I won't be here long?"

Bobby turned to me, "Did I stutter Idjet?" 

"But why me? Why not you?"

Bobby shook his head. "Kid those boys need you. Both of them. Including your lover boy." 

I smiled at him. "So you know about that?" 

He chuckled. "Of course I do. You think I don't keep tabs on you knuckle heads?"

I smiled at him. "So is-" 

"Yeah your parents are up here. The boys too. Yours live up on that mountain over there." Bobby points to the north mountain. "And Mary and John  live over there." He points to the over mountain. 

"Jo and Ellen?" 

I heard the door beside me open. "We're right here sunshine." 

I shot up out my chair practically tackling Ellen, then hugging Jo.

"Look at you! You've grown up." 

I smiled at Jo, "Yeah well it's been awhile." 

Ellen smiled at Bobby. "Her ride here yet?" 

He shook his head. "Nope." 

I looked confused. "What ride?" 

Jo smiled at me as she grabbed my arm, "Come inside while you wait. We have a lot to catch up on." 

I smiled at her as I followed her inside. "Is this?"

Jo nodded. "mhm The Road House." 

I sat down at one of the bar stools, as Jo slide me a beer. 

"So hows things been?"

I took a drink, "I mean for the last 2 months super sucky." 

We both chuckled, "But other then that it's been pretty good. I'm guessing you know everything that's happened." 

She shook her head smiling. "Oh yeah, everything." 

"I will say though, not having my best friend was rough." 

She nodded. "I know, but you had Sam and Dean." 

I took another drink, as I did Ellen and Bobby walked in.

"Ok kid time to go." 

I looked at them. "What? Why? How?"

Ellen walked over to me hugging me. "Listen sunshine. You gotta get going." 

Bobby handed me keys, I looked at them. 

"These are Dean's keys." 

Bobby nodded, "Come on kid." 

I looked at Jo as she walked over to me, "Hey just remember this won't be goodbye forever. I'll see you when you die again." 

I laughed as I hugged her.

I followed Bobby out the door. "There she is." He pointed at a car.


He nodded. 

"But how?"

"Just go for a ride kid. Tell the boys we say hi." 

I nodded as I gave him a hug. 

I walked over to Baby running my hand over the roof. "Just go for a ride." 

I opened the door and got in.

"Take me home Baby." 

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