Apple Pie. (FINAL)

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*Dean's POV*

I quickly opened my eyes, feeling something move beside me. I quickly shot up. 

I saw Y/n getting up out of bed moving toward the door. 

"Hey, where are you going?" 

She turned to me, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." 

I shook my head, still groggy. "No worries. What's wrong?" 

She opened the door. "The twins are awake."

I rubbed my eye looking beside me at my alarm clock it read 3:49 A.M

"This early?" I asked as I got up, slowly stretching. 

She shrugs as she walks out the door down the hall of our house. "You could've stayed in bed." 

I shook my head, "And miss time with my favorite little munchkins. No way." 

She smiled at me as she slowly opened the twin's nursery door. Both Ben and Jo were standing up in their cribs, not crying as they once were. 

I walked over picking up Ben and y/n picked up Jo.

 "Well good morning." I smiled at Ben as I walked over to Y/n. 

She swayed Jo as she looked at Ben. "Hi, handsome." 

I looked down at Ben then back at her. "Where we taking them ma'am?" 

She chuckled, "Well I was thinking we get them back to sleep then we go back to bed ourselves." 

I nodded. "sounds great to me." 

Y/n walked over sitting in the rocking chair in the corner as I paced around rocking Ben in my arms. 

Ben and Jo both eventually fell back asleep so, Y/n and I both put them back in their cribs and we walked back to our room. 

We snuggled up into bed, I felt Y/n relax into my arms as I kissed her head. 

*Your POV* 

I rolled over to see Dean still asleep, I slowly at up trying not to wake up but it didn't work. 

"Good morning honey." 

I turned to look at him, he was sitting there smiling with his eyes closed.

I laid back down into his arms, "How was your 4 hours?" He rolled his half-opened eyes as he kissed the top of my head. 

"About as good as it can get." 

I chuckle into his chest, moving to get up again. He groans, "Do we have to get up?" 

I nodded standing up, "You don't have too right now. But I'm sure the twins are awake again." 

He quickly shot up out of bed. Other then me there wasn't anything that he loved more then spending time with the twins. 

I grabbed his hand inter twinning my fingers with his as we walked down the hallway to the nursery. 


I was standing in the kitchen making some lunch for myself when Dean walked in with a duffle bag. "Already?" I asked as I walked around the counter to him. 

He nodded, "I know I'm sorry I promise you it will only be 5 days. Then-" He got cut off by the noise of the front door opening, we soon after heard Sam say. "Hellllooooo where are my favorite little gnomes??" 

Dean and I chuckled as we turned to the doorway where Sam was standing. He looked at us then down at the twins who were sitting in their highchairs. "Ahhh there they are." 

He walked over picking up Jo. "Hello my little Lady." 

Dean walked over quickly picking up Ben knowing that he might soon have a meltdown if he was not picked up like his sister. 

I walked back around my original spot again working on my lunch. 

I looked up to see Ben making funny faces at Dean. "Sweetie he's doing it again." He laughed. Sam turned to Dean and Ben, "Can you blame the little guy?" Dean glared at Sam. 

I walked over smiling at the 2 guys and the babies. Dean quickly grew a look of disgust as his nose scrunched up. 

"OOOO someone pooped. Here go to momma." Dean handed me Ben smiling at me. "Come here, little guy."

I chuckled looking over at Sam, "Well she pooped too." 

Sam handed me, Jo. "Twin telepathy." 

We all laughed.

Sam waved at the Twins, "Bye little gnomes." 

Dean glared at him again. "Dude stop calling my babies gnomes." 

I chuckled. "Dean don't you mean our babies." 

He smiled at me, "Right right our babies." 

He gave me a kiss, then kissing the heads of the twins. "Bye, sweetheart. Bye Ben, bye Jo." 

He grabbed his duffle bag as him and Sam walked toward the door. I half waved at them both with the twins still in my hands, I then heard the door shut and lock. 

I put the twins back down in their high chairs. "Looks like it's just us."   

*Dean's POV*

Sam and I were sitting sharing a drink in our motel room. "You know Sammy. I can't believe I'm actually living the apple pie life." 

Sam smiles, "With twins at that." 

I chuckled, "I wouldn't want it any other way though. I have the twins, and Y/n, my own little family. And I wouldn't change it for the world." 

Sam took a sip of his beer, "I'm glad your happy Dean. I know those little gnomes will grow up with an amazing life with you and Y/n as their parents." 

I nod smiling. "Oh yeah they will." 

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