Not Fair.

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*3rd Person*

It's been three days since your death. Sam and Dean just finished building you your funeral pyre.

They lift your body up and into the pyre, as they laid you down Dean kissed your head. 

"Good bye Sweetheart." A tear rolled down his cheek.

Dean pulled out your favorite liter and lit the wood.

Both boys stood there in silence till Sam spoke. 

"I don't even know where to start Y/n. You were the best, and I-" 

Dean cut him off without missing a beat. 

"Don't you dare say it." 

Sam looked at Dean hurt. 

"Dean she was my best friend."

Dean scoffed turning to Sam. "Huh, that's funny. I didn't know you got your best friend tortured and KILLED."

Sam looked down. "That's not fair I didn't know." 

Dean looked back at the flames. "You know what is unfair Sam. The fact I lost the love of my life because she was trying to help you. THAT'S WHAT'S UNFAIR!" 

Tears started forming in Dean's eyes again. "They wanted you." 

"How I was supposed to know that Dean? I didn't even know who they were till it was too late."

Dean stayed silent staring back into the flames again. 

Sam turned to Dean "You think I'm ever going to forgive myself?" 

 Dean shook his head. "You wanna know what I think?"

Dean paused, then turned toward Sam. "I think it should be you up there not her." 

Sam looked down. "You don't mean that."

"Y/ns Dead." 

Sam stood there in silence just staring at the fire. "What are we going to do?" 

Without skipping a beat Dean said. "I'm not going to stop until I've killed every Demon. Ripping their hearts out one by one. Till I get lucifer." 

*Sam's POV*

I was laying in my room, on my bed. Staring up at my ceiling, thoughts racing through my mind. 

I sat up remebering the picture and note that Dean had given me to give to Y/n, I had laid it on my dresser. 

I got up and walked over grabbed it and sat back down. 

The picture was the first picture me, her, and Dean had ever taken with each other.

I thought about reading the note but I didn't I stood up and walked over to my door

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I thought about reading the note but I didn't I stood up and walked over to my door. Taking a deep breathe before I opened it, I walked out and over to Y/n's room. 

I saw the door was slighly open, so I knocked. "Dean?" 

I pushed the door open to see Dean sitting on her bed holding the stuff animal he won for her at the carnival we went to. 

"She left this here so she'd always have a reason to come back." 

I walked over and reached my hand out trying to give him the picture and the note. 

He shook his head. "You should have burned that with her." 

I looked at him confused pulling my hand back. "You don't even want the picture?"

He stared at the stuff animal. "No." 

"But Dean." 

He stood up angryly. "Damn it Sam can't you just leave me the hell alone." 

With the stuff animal still in his hands he stormed out of the room. 

I stayed there just staring at the picture. 

I put it on her desk, right beside her favorite book.

I whispered under my breathe. "Don't worry. I'll leave this here incase you come back." A tear flowed out of my eye knowing that would never happen. 

I walked back toward the door turning around to take a look at her room before I shut the door.

"Rest well Y/n." 

I shut the Door. 

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