Home Sweet Home.

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*Your POV*

I reached down turning up the radio, I chuckled when I heard what song it was.  "Well, I'll be damned." It was one of Dean's favorite songs, Ramble on. 

I nodded my head to the beat as I drove, I quickly realized that the scenery around me was becoming more and more familiar.

I stopped at a stop sign looking out my window, seeing the dinner Dean and I had our first date at. And the parking lot where I first drove baby, looked down at my palm tracing a heart with my finger.

I let out a sigh of relief as I continued driving on, through the woods, soon reaching the front of the bunker. 

I turn off the car, and stepped out. As I closed the door of Baby she disappeared and reappeared in what I'm guessing was her original place.  

"Holy shit. That was cool." I chuckled to myself.

I turned to face the bunker, "Home Sweet Home." I smiled walking down to the first door of the bunker, I reached down to feel in my pockets. A thing in each, in my left was my phone and in my right was the first door key. 

I smiled looking up at the sky, "Thanks, guys." 

I looked back down at the door putting the key in and unlocking it. I stepped in closing it behind me, then was the main door. 

I felt around my pockets again, not feeling anything else. I pulled out my phone, quickly dialing Dean's number. 

It rang a few times and at first, I didn't think he was going to answer but then I heard a voice on the other end. 

*Dean's POV*

Sam and I were sitting in the kitchen sharing a drink, talking about our favorite memories of y/n. 

"Do you remember when we went to that sketchy pizza place and the pizza you and y/n had got to share had a dead rat on it." 

I chuckled nodding my head, "How could I forget? Your drink had a bandaid in it." 

We shared a long laugh, the first we had laughed like this in a long while. 

"Eating at places like that make me question this life." 

I nodded taking a drink of my beer. "Everything makes me question this life. But we're here." 

Sam raised his beer nodding, "your right." 

I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. 

"Cas calling you already?" Sam asked.

I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see who it was. 

I practically dropped my phone when I saw whose name was on the screen. Sam noticed so he leaned over looking to see who it was.

We share a look before looking back at the phone. "It-it couldn't be could it?"

I didn't know what to say, so I answered it. 


Dean- "Who is this?"
Y/n- "Dean it's me."
Dean- "But ho-"
Y/n- "Listen I know this probably doesn't make any sense but just please let me in. I promise you, you can test me with anything holy water silver, for god shake cut me if you need too. Just please let me in." 

I shot up from my seat hanging up the phone, I dart toward the hallway. Sam followed close behind, "But what if it's not her?" 

I continued toward the stairs, "We don't know until we find out." 

I ran up the stairs, and over to the door. 

Hesitating before opening it. I looked at Sam then back at the door. 

I slowly unlocked and opened the big door. 

And Standing on the other side was Y/n. 

"Hey, Dean." 

I stare at her not saying a word. 

She slowly moves her hand out, flipping her hand up so her palm is facing up. "Sam your knife." 

Sam nodded handing her the silver knife. She pulled up her jacket sleeve just barely cutting herself. 

Sam then handed her a flask he had on him full of salted holy water, she slowly grabbed it taking a drink, and swallowing. 

I let out a sigh of relief as I practically tackled her.  We stood there for a minute just taking in each other's presence. 

I pulled away wiping the tear that was running down my check. She turned to Sam smiling at him them giving him a small hug. 

She turned back to me. 

"Sweetheart, not that I'm not over the moon that you are alive but-" 

She nodded. "How am I alive?" 

I slowly shook my head, she grabbed my hand interlocking it with hers. 

"Lets get a drink and I'll explain everything." 


"..then Bobby gave me the key and told me to go for a ride, and then I ended up here." 

I stared at her taking in every word she spoke. 

Sam looked down at his beer then back at her. "Who all was there?" 

She smiled at him. "Well like I said, Jo, Ellen, and Bobby were there with me. But Bobby said your parents are up there and so are mine. All peaceful with their own places." 

Sam lets out a relieved sigh, as he takes a sip of his beer. He stood up, "I'm gonna go call Jody and Cas. I'll let you two alone." 

We both smile at Sam as he walks out. 

Y/n turns to me grabbing my hand slowly tracing a heart on my palm with her finger. 

I start tearing up again, she quickly realized moving her other hand up on my cheek. "God I missed you."

I leaned my head on hers, grabbing her hand that was on my check moving it down to our other 2 hands. I held both of her hands tightly in my mine. 

"I missed you too." 

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