In It Together.

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*Dean's POV*

I was sitting at the bunker table with a beer in my hand. Sam walked in carrying a plate of food. 

"Here I make you a burger."

Sam put it down in front of me. "Thanks, Sammy." 

I set my beer down on the table, just staring at the burger. 

Sam sat down across from me. "Dean you really need to eat." 

I nodded. "Yeah. I know." 

I pulled the plate toward me, picking the burger up taking a small bite, and putting it back down.

  "This is pretty good." 

Sam smiled at me. "Thanks. So I was thinking, there was this case that I found." 

I grabbed my beer taking a drink of it. "What about it?"

Sam looked down at his computer, "I was thinking maybe we could go on a hunt. Just to get your mind off of things." 

I put my beer down just staring at my burger. I wasn't really paying to much attention to what he was saying just kinda spacing off. 

"Yeah. yeah sounds good."

"Dean? Are you even listening?" 

I felt my phone start buzzing in my pocket. "Hold on my phones ringing."

 I pulled it out answering the call. 


Me-"Yo. What's up?"
Me-"Y/n? Is that really you? Where are you?"
Y/n-"Dean. Listen to me. Don't give up."
Me- "I won't give up. Listen we'll find you I promi-."

I heard her voice slowly fading 

Y/n-"NO! NO! NO!" 

Then the line disconnected. 

"Dean, what the hell was that?" 

I turned to him in disbelief. "Can you track that call?" 

"Yeah give me your phone. Was that really-" 

I nodded. "She used the code words, Don't give up."

I heard a swoosh being me. "Was that her?" 

I nodded my head turning toward Cas. "Sam is tracking the Call right now."

"Don't you think the Demons might cover their tracks?" 

I shrugged standing up walking over behind Sam, Cas following. 

"Guess we will find out." 

Sam nodded as he typed away on his computer. A small dot popped up on the screen.

"There." He pointed to it. 

I walked back around the table over to my beer. "Do you think it is just that easy?" 

Cas shook his head, "They are too smart for that it is probably a trap." 

I grabbed my beer. "Trap or not. We need to go get her." 

Sam stood up throwing me my phone back. "I agree." 

"We need to call everyone we know. Tell them to meet us here."

 Cas and Sam nodded. 


I walked into the main room of the bunker. I clear my throat loud enough everyone stops talking.

"Hey everyone. Thank you for coming on such short notice. But as many of you know Y/n has been kidnapped and has been missing for 2 months. We recently have been able to pinpoint her location. That's why you all are here." 

I scanned the room looking around at everyone. "She was taken to a large compound in Upstate New York. By a group of Demons, which you all have been filled in on." 

I walked down to the table pointing at a map that was laid out. "We will have 4 main attack teams, those on said teams will enter either north, east, south or west. Then there will be an extraction team." 

I looked at Sam then back down at the map. "Jody and Garth will lead the North and East team, Gabriel and Crowley you two have the south and west." 

I walked up to the front of the room again. "And I have the extraction team. Now everyone knows what team they are on correct?" 

Everyone in the room nodded. 

"Good. Now let's go kick some demon ass." 

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