Game Time

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*Dean's POV*

"Ok Garth, Jody you know your plan?" 

They both nodded at me. "Ok good. You two are in the two front trucks." 

They grabbed their weapons and their teams and went to their trucks.

"Gabe, Crowley you too good."

Gabe nodded, and Crowley smiled. "Boy, this will be fun." 

I chuckled. "Tell me about it. You two have the back trucks." 

That left my team, Sam, Cas, and I. It was a small team but we had one job. Get in and get out with Y/n. 

The three of us walked over to the middle car, it was baby. I got in the driver's seat, staring at the engine. 

"You two ready?" 

They both nodded as I pulled my radio out of my jacket pocket. "Ok Game time Everyone. Once we get there, and everyone is set we go on my command." 

Jody came across the radio. "Let's roll." 


We all pull up on the outskirt of the compound.

I get out of Baby, pointing out each way as each team moves. We were at the North side so Jody's team stayed with us. 

One after the other each team leader came over the radio confirming that they were ready. 

Sam and I stood beside each other looking at everything. 

"Listen Sam one last thing." 

Sam turned to me. "What's up?" 

I reached into my pocket pulling out a picture, and a note. 

"If I don't make it back give this to her." 

Sam nodded. 

I turned back to Jody's team. "Ok let's get into position." 

Jody's Team moved in front of us surrounding the north side. 

I changed my radio station till I heard something that caught my attention. 

"They are surrounding the compound. What should we do?" 

I knew I finally had the right station. "Well dick's you should listen up." 

I heard a different voice come over the radio. "Ah, Mr. Winchester. We've been expecting you, so glad to see you finally joined us." 

I motioned to Sam to give me his radio, over our station I said. "Crowley, Garth, Game Time." 

I focused again on my radio. "Mr. Winchester I must tell you, your attack seems well planned but you have forgotten that you are messing with the wrong people." 

I laughed into the Radio. "I think you have this all wrong. Because you fucked with the wrong people when you took our Y/n. So Asshole give her back or-"

He cut me off. "Or what you'll sick your dogs on me." 

I smiled talking into Sam's Radio again. "Let's Roll everyone." 

Jody's Team moved forward, I tossed Sam's Radio back to him. As we followed behind Jody. 

"Listen Fucker I don't think you realize the army that's approaching your doorstep." 

"Mr. Winchester. I don't think that you should talk to me that way seeing I still have you precious Y/n."

The radio stayed on and I heard y/n scream, as they beat her.

"I will make you suffer, you piece of shit." 

"Bring it on Winchester." 

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