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*Your POV* 

I can't stop thinking, about Dean's call. Why would he call me if it wasn't important, does he know something I don't? 

Jody knocked on my door. "Hey, Kid you still up?" I nodded looking up from the ground at her. 

She looked worried as she sat beside me, "What's wrong?" 

I hesitated for a minute, but then I broke the silence. "Dean Called. He wants me to come back." 

A confused look appeared on her face, more of a "is this a good or bad thing" kinda look. So I cut in before she could speak.

"It's not that it's a bad thing, I really loved hunting with the boys. And I love Dean. And Sammy's my best friend. It's just." I paused. 

Jody nodded her head now fully understanding how I was feeling. "You want to go back because you want to be with Dean again, but you are scared of how Sam is going to react to it." 

I nodded as I leaned my head on her shoulder, Jody always understood me. She has been like another hunter mom to me. 

"Well have you tried talking to Sam?" 

I sigh, "I've tried but he won't answer my calls. Dean said he was so mad at himself that he's mad at me. If that makes sense." 

Jody rolled her eyes. "Boys." I chuckled.

"Well how about this. You try and call Sam from the pay phone at the gas station, so he doesn't know it's you, and try to at least get a word in that way." 

I pick my head up from her shoulder, smiling at her. "You are a genius."

She shrugs her shoulders, "I do what I can." We both chuckle. "Thanks, Jody."

She kissed the top of my head. "Anytime Cupcake." 

I smile at her as she walks out of my room. I stay sitting on my bed for another good 5 minutes just thinking about what I am going to say. Then I muster up my courage to finally call him, so I walk out of my room and out the front door. I drive over to the gas station, parking right beside the phone booth. I get out, walk over, and put a quarter in the machine. 

I dialed Sam's number and just listened as it rang.


Sam- "Hello? Who's this?"
Me- "Sammy."
Sam- "Y/n? Is that you?"
Me- "Yeah it's me. Sammy, I just needed to talk to you."
Sam- "Is everything ok?"
Me- "Well..."

All of the sudden I feel someone grab me from behind pulling me from the phone. 

"Hey let go of me, you bastard." I tried kicking but the person was just positioned right that I couldn't even touch them, they were far too much bigger than me. I tried to scream but as I did I felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything went black. 

*Sam's POV*

"Y/n? Y/N?" I pull the phone away from my ear as I hear the line disconnect. "What the hell just happened." 

Dean looked at me puzzled as he walked back from the bathroom. "What's wrong?" 

My mind was racing. 

"Y/n just called me." 

Dean grew an extremely nervous look on his face but he tried to play it off. "Oh is everything alright?" 

I looked at my phone to see if I could find where she called me from, "Damn it she called from a pay phone." I stood up from my seat, at this point, I could see Dean's nervous look turned into worry. 

"Sam, what is going on?" 

I had no idea what to say to him because, in reality, I had no idea myself what the hell was going on. 

"Y/n called me and was just talking to me then she dropped the phone and I heard her say, "let go of me, you bastard." Then the phone just went dead." 

"What the hell are you talking about Sam? Tell me your joking." 

I shook my head still looking down at my phone. "Dean I wish I was."

Dean grabbed his coat and practically ran to the door. 

I looked up to see where he was going. "Hey, where are you going?"

He stopped turning back to me, "We gotta go figure this the hell out." 

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