I got you.

59 4 2

*3rd Person*

Dean, Sam, and Cas had made it to the main part of the compound where you were being kept. 

The other teams had killed or captured all but 1 out of the 6 White Rose members. 

The last one left was in the room with you. 

Dean stood in front of the door while Sam and Cas stood on each of the sides. 

Dean quietly counted. "1. 2. 3." 

Then he kicked in the door, quickly moving in. Sam and Cas followed. 

The main in the suit had a knife to your throat. 

"Let her go!" Dean screamed as he point the gun toward his head.

He smiled at Dean. "Let's make a deal and I'l-"

"That's not how this is going to work. You either let her go or I blow your brains out."

The man in the back suit chuckled. "I die either way right, might as well do something meaningful." 

He stabbed the knife into your stomach. Dean, Sam, and Cas all three unloaded a mag into him. 

Dean ran over to you uncuffing your hands from the pole. "GO GET HELP!" He screamed. 

Sam and Cas ran out of the room. 

"Come on stay with me, sweetheart." 

He catches your body as you are free from your restraints, laying you down on the ground. 

You slowly open your eyes. "D-dean?" 

He nodded with tears in his eyes, "You're gonna be ok." 

Sam came running back into the room with a first aid kit, Cas and Jody were right behind him. 

Dean quickly opened it, as he did you barley pick up your head just enough to see your extreme wounds. 


"Listen to me. You're going to be ok."

Jody, Sam and Cas stood watching with tears in their eyes. 

"You're pretty beat up, but I promise you you'll be ok."

"It's bad Dean." 

Dean shook his head as he tried his best to tend to your wounds. "No, it's not. Everything will be ok."

A tear runs down your face. "I won't make it will I?" 

"Damn it Y/n. Don't talk like that."

I lay my head back. "Dean. I-I can't" 

Dean slides his hand under your head just lifting it up a bit. "Listen to me your going to be ok. We're gonna get you out of here and to a real doctor ok."

"Dean please. You know I won't l-last that long." You winced with pain with every word you spoke. 

"I can't just give up. I can't just let you die."

Tears were streaming down his face, as he tried everything he knew how to do. 

But you started fading. "D-Dean." 

He pulled you close. "Please sweetheart don't leave me." 

"I love you, Dean." A final tear ran down your check as your eyes closed. 

"No, Please. Y/n?" 

He felt your body go limp. He held you tight as he could.

"I love you, sweetheart."

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