In The Dark.

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*Your POV*

"Wake up Y/n." 

I shake my head as if I was waking up from a bad dream. 

"Go to hell."  The man in the suit laughs. "Already have sweetheart." 

I glared at him. "Don't you dare ever call me that again." 

He smiles at me. "Aww I'm sorry I forgot only your lover boy can call you that. Speaking of, I was thinking that we might be able to finally talk about your boys." 

He pulls a chair out of the darkness. 

"I told you. I'm not telling you sh-" 

He sits down on the chair nodding his head. "Yes yes, Not telling me shit. You know you do have quite the potty mouth." 

"Oh Bite me." 

He chuckled. "That is quite kinky of you." 

I rolled my eyes, pretending to gag. The man quickly stood up grabbing my throat.

"You must take this more seriously. Because I mean business and I don't think you understand that."  

I smiled at him struggling to breathe a bit. "Kinky." 

He chuckled letting go of my neck stepping back. "I was going to make you a deal today, but I don't think you have suffered enough."

He grabbed the chair pushing it into the darkness, "Till tomorrow." 

He disappeared into the dark, as the woman appeared. 

"Playtime sweetie." 


"Where the hell did she go?" 

"Sir I don't know?" 


I slowly moved across the wall. I have to find a way out

I quietly walk toward the door at the end of the hall. I need to find a way out.

I open the door checking both ways and sprint toward the stairs, running up them as fast as I can. Come on go faster.

At the top of the stairs is a split hallway, something in my head told me left. So I turned left and ran as fast as I could past all of the doors turning at every corner  I could find.

I push through the last door in the hall, I stood on the other side staring at an empty room. As  I heard the door lock behind me. 

"Shit." I look around, then I close my eyes and put my head down. 

"Cas, if you can hear me. Please for god shake get your feathery ass here." 

I hear something behind me and I squeezed my eyes as hard as I can. And everything goes black.

I open them to see I'm standing in a new place. But it's extremely familiar.

I take a step forward to look at my surroundings. There was a couch in the middle of the room, with a man sitting on it. The coach was faced so his back was toward me. 

I slowly walked over to see that it was Cas. 


He looked up at me. Not saying a word.

"Cas where the hell have you been?"

He looked down. "We've been trying-"

I cut him off, tears filled my eyes. "I PRAYED every damn night to you. Just hoped you would find me and end my suffering but you never came."

He shook his head putting his head in his hands. "Listen Y/n." 

I cut him off again, looking around. "Wait." 

I realized where I was. "Th-this is"

Cas looked up at me nodding. 

"This is a dream?" 

Tears were streaming down my face, rage started to engulf me. 

"I'm sorry." 

Next thing I knew everything went black again, and I felt my face being slapped.

"Wake up!" 

I slowly opened my eyes, to see that I was still in the dark room.

"You really thought all of that was real?"

I looked around in disbelief. "W-what the hell are you talking about?" 

"Your little Angel friend. You escaping. All up here." He put his finger to my temple and images shot through my brain. Cas. Me running. 

"Damn you."

He smiled walking behind me right up to my ear. "But when you were under our little spell. You gave us some quite astounding information. So let's make that deal I mentioned yesterday." 

It was already the next day? 

I had lost all sense of time in this room. 

I turned my head so I could just barely see him in the corner of my eye. "What kind of Deal?"

He pulls a phone out of his pocket and waves it in the air. 

"Tell me where the colt is and I will let you make a call t-"

I instantly answered cutting him off.

"It's in my old house in Huston. In the fireplace, there is a cubby its in there." 

He smiled as he dialed a number into the phone. "See now was that so hard?" 

He put the phone up to my ear. 

I heard it Ring, and Ring, and then. 

"Yo. What's up?"

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