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*Dean's POV*

I was going 95 down the highway. I need to get there. Come on go faster, baby. 

My mind was racing. 

Why Y/n? Why now? Why did this happen? God, I hope she's ok. Damn it. 

I was so focused on the road that I didn't even notice Cas was now in the passenger seat. 

"Dean slow down." 

I quickly glanced at him. "No way I need to get there now. What did Sam say?" 

Cas looked out the window. "Nothing there wasn't anything for him to say." 

I slowed down a bit so I could look at Cas. "What the hell you mean there wasn't anything for him to say?" 

Cas turned to me. "He had nothing to say because there is nothing that he knew that is useful. I know-" 

I slam on the breaks, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Cas what the hell do you know? Because if it has to do with Y/n and you are just telling me now. I swear to everything I will shoot you." 

Cas glanced at me then looked back out the window. 

"Damn it Cas speak." 

"Drive Dean."

"Not till you tell me what the hell is going on."

Cas sighed turning back to me again. "Her and I were tracing a group of Demons that were following you and Sam." I tried to talk but he cut me off.

"Let me finish. The group calls themselves White Rose, they are going against Lucifer. And they were following you two to kill Sam." 

In that moment I didn't know how to feel. Two people I trusted kept this secret from me that my brother's life was in danger, now Y/n's is too.

"So you're telling me this White Rose group was following me and Sam, to kill Sam? And you waited to tell me this now. When my GIRLFRIEND IS MISSING!" 

Shit. Damn it. Cas didn't know. SHIT. 

There was one person other then Y/n and I that knew we were dating and the was Jody.

Cas stared at me. "You and Y/n are in a relationship?" 

I looked ahead and started driving again. "Yes we have been for over 2 years or so but you can't tell Sam not yet at least." 

Cas nodded. "Understood." 

"So this White Rose group. They are demons against Lucifer. And they wanted to kill Sam because?" 

Cas looked at me confused. "How is it not obvious? Sam is still Lucifer's true vessel. That hasn't changed.  They don't want Lucifer to be that powerful again." 

Damn it Sam. 

*Your POV*

I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck.

"W-where the hell am I?" 

I heard a voice start walking toward me. 

"Well good morning Ms. Y/l/n." 

I try to move realizing that my hands were tied from a bar above my head. I looked around, I was in a dark room but I could see the extreme angel wardings. I knew exactly who took me.

"So which White Rose member are you?" 

The Man smiled as he appeared out of the shadows. He was wearing a black suit.

"Ah good. I'm glad you know who we are." 

3 more figures appeared out of the shadows, all 3 men. 

"Of course, I know who you are. You were following my boys."  

He chuckled shaking his head. "We were not after both of your boys. We know not to mess with your boyfriend. But Sam." He shakes his head. "He needs to be eliminated." 

I look at him in shock. How does he know?

"Oh, Ms. Y/l/n we know everything about you. We had to because we knew that if we got you we got him." 

It hit me. Sam. I need to think of something.

"So why would a group of demons take a name of a group that fought for good." 

Another figure from the shadow appeared walking right up to me. It was a woman. 

"Ahh heres, wanna be Sophie? Right?" 

She slapped me. I smiled looking back at her. 

"Back up." The Man in the black suit slept in front of her. "Save your anger for later sister." 

"So you all really think you are the White Rose group. What they stood up for was good, they were good people. You ar-" 

The man in the black suit turned to me grabbing my face. "You think we aren't doing good. Just because we are demons. We are trying to get rid of the devil you LET OUT." 

I chuckled. It worked. I wanted to see how easy it was to piss them off, I know I can use that in the future. If there is one. 

He let go of my face. "Fine you would like to play that game. We shall play. She is all yours." 

I watched all 4 of them disappear into the dark, then appeared a large tall man. Who towered over me, in his hand was a bag. He walked over setting it down on the floor beside me. 

"Boy am I going to have fun with you?" 

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