♤~ Brief Description ~♤

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I don't know if you noticed but I also wrote forbidden which is a viggo x reader however I have somewhat improved my writing and to be honest I didn't really like forbidden because its was obviously rushed and wasn't write very well so I wanted to do another story.

About Yn

If you couldn't tell Yn is you! And if you do not like the way you look then feel free to do some changes however it might impact the story so you would also have to do changes on that but let's carry on!

Yn is a little older than the other dragon riders, so along with the age she will be a lot more mature including having more experiences on battle and flying dragons, aswell training a dragon before Hiccup had since the first movie.

Since Yn is older she will obviously experience periods throughout the story so just a warning, let's carry on with the appearance... Yn is slightly taller than hiccup but shorter than viggo. Yn has blondish brunette hair that flows down to hair waist till she ties it up like this:

My Internet is honestly so shit it took 3 mins to load- anyways this is what your clothing would look like

( Art not mine) This is actaully amazing though I wish I could draw this good, if you want to get pictures like this you can search us httyd viking armour.

Unlike the drawing you cannot shoot out flightmare breath from your hands because that in my opinion would be way to much! So you will not need to the white satchels on your legs and arms, you may be wondering why do we have a flightmare armour if we have Omi? Well reader, its because Yn used to live on an island with a flightmare and eventaully befriended it till the dragon passed away and then took it scales... maybe a bit of skin to create this armour.

Yn has blue eyes with a tint of green, from being outside for so long and going to island to island Yn is tanned( it just makes sense). Yn also has a massive deep scar around her neck, from a traumtic experience since she was 12. Including some freckles on her nose!

I honestly love freckles or is it just me?

Now we would be talking about Omi, as she is a crucial character to this story and I have thought for some time about he she looks. Omi is a mixed breed with who knows what, so its a lot more harder to train her and keep her around with other dragons.

Omi is slightly taller than Hookfang, like stormfly Omi has two legs which makes her quite swiftly on her legs.

Btw Omi is based on a raven!

Omi has a large beak being able to chip away wood from trees, snatch fish from the water and dig it into other dragons neck when hunting. She also uses it to create cracks in stone to form a cave when in the wild, if you have watched Rio when blue hasn't flown yet this is exactly how Omi climbs if she cannot use her wings.

For some reason I decided to give her large feathers when challenging or in fight, her feathers on her face spring out the sides trying to make herself look larger and more terrifying. Omi can change her feathers to scales at any random time when fire is charging at her to stop burning coming from the feathers, like I said before she has 2 legs with large claws being able grab onto large prey and keep them in hold or simply find trunks or twigs to form a nest.

Omi has wings like a bird, which are larger obviously to keep up the large dragon in the air. A tail like a bird, when tired if Omi hasn't made a cave she sleeps large trees high enough so no vikings can get to her.

If Omi makes a cooing sound she is either curious or happy, her tongue is just like a bird however has small tiny spikes on it like a tiger to eat the meat of the animals bones, Omi has a soft spot for little kids as she finds they really adorable. Omi can release a terrifying shriek just how the deathsong can make a sound for dragons to come towards them but unlike the deathsong it is used to keep dragon out of her terority, or used in fights to drawn the dragon away.


Yn lives on her own with Omi as she knew Berk wouldn't be a safe place her, life was great being able to eat whatever want doing whatever they want till on savvy business man wanted to take the island for himself...

I will try to upload once a weak and atleast each chapter 1500 words!


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