♤~Life On The Edge~♤

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People are honestly so talented, one of my favorite Heather fan art! Not mine


Chicken roared awakening everyone inside the hut... I yelped snatching my pillow crashing it over my head trying to get back to sleep. But of course my body wouldn't let me! I sat on the edge of my bed slowly opening my eyes trying to become less tired however my half shut eyes caught on the book I wrote on yesterday, I looked to the opposite side of the room checking if my siblings were there but luckly they already went to breakfast, I leaned down kicking the book under my bed using the bedside table as a support to regain my balance.

I wipe of the tired look on my face, stepping towards the fish hut collecting some fish to feed Omi as I know she gets insanely cranky if she doesn't get any food in the morning at a specific time, I used all of my strength carrying the barrel over my shoulders unlocking Omi's stall seeing her act just like a puppy. I did a soft giggled feeding her, her favorite fish then started to pick away the loose feathers getting in her way.

As she wiggled her tail... are you serious! There was multiple half eaten tiny worms including pecked human sized birds scattered across the floor, the sight of half eaten birds still gives me chills after trying to befriend Omi. I left her door open traveling to the club house seeing nearly everyone except Fishlegs, he is probably doing some geeky stuff. Astrid sharpened her axe admiring the shine on it meanwhile Hiccup worked on mechanic parts im guessing he is using it for a project that he is doing in the future and of course Snotlout was picking his nose... ew.

Tuffnut, Ruffnut whispered to each other making silly jokes that wouldn't make sense to anyone else except them aswell Heather just took care of Windshear.

"Sis what do you think of our new idea!" Tuffnut enthusiastically moved his hands side to side.

I tilted my head in confusion what idea?

"We call it, the Edge welcome song!" Ruffnut did a toothy smile putting her arms up in the air.

"Welcome to the Edge! Our good dear old friend! We welcome you with open arms, don't worry our dragons don't come in harm~~" Tuffnut sang putting his hand on his heart then began dancing around the room.

"When will we ever need a dragon edge welcome song?" Snotlout snarled wiping away one of his boogers.

"When did we ever ask you to give feedback?" Ruffnut glared at Snotlout giving him sass.

"..." Snotlout didn't reply accepting defeat he turned away back to doing his business.

"So sis what do you think?" Tuffnut did a proud look crossing his arms.

'Its great Tuff'. I clasped my hands together thinking of something to do.

"Now is not the time for songs". Hiccup interrupted carrying something from his hut.

"We need to start thinking of a plan to stop the auction". Hiccup plopped the items he was carrying.

"Hiccup stop stressing so much! Its going to be easy peasy". Snotlout groaned out of annoyance paying attention to his snobbery fingers.

"Snotlout it isn't going to be easy, Viggo has multiple men on the watch with immense defense and watchers everywhere". Hiccup snarled at Snotlout rearranging the pieces.

"So whats the plan?" Heather asked crossing her arms.

"Im not sure...". Hiccup trailed off.

"But Hiccup. You always have a plan". Fishlegs looked slightly worried.

《 The Silent Girl 》Fem reader x ViggoWhere stories live. Discover now