Chapter 1: First Follower

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(Y/N) felt his head in serious pain as he moans in pain before slowly opening his eyes and blinking slowly because his vision is kinda blurry for a moment.
(Y/N)'s POV
"Ugh...What...What happened?" I mumbled before my vision is returning to normal, seeing the same place before I lost consciousness. I touch my temple before I slowly get up from the ground.
"This day just got worst than I thought"
I then examine my hands and I somehow didn't die by doing that reckless action.
I then felt something on top of my head before realizing that it was the crown.
I touched the crown before examining it closely and its eye was staring back at me while blinking a few times.
Upon releasing it from my grasp, it just flies back on the top of my head.

I didn't mind at all before I find my way out of there and sort this problem later.
Suddenly a portal opens beneath me before I scream as I fall to the ground in the forest.
"What the actual fuck is this!" I exclaimed in annoyance before getting back on my feet once again.
I began walking again but there is this eerie feeling about this forest...unfamiliar and unsettling because every step that I take made me a little anxious.
"HELP!" I heard a scream before I started running toward it as fast as I can

The moment that I got there, my eyes went wide as dinner plates, and my jaw dropped upon seeing a giant purple spider.

The moment that I got there, my eyes went wide as dinner plates, and my jaw dropped upon seeing a giant purple spider

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"You'll be my delicious breakfast" I heard the purple spider just talk like a human.
"Please No! Don't eat me!" I heard another voice and I could see a white bunny being covered in a cocoon.
"Eww...Your sick" The purple spider said in disgust and I watched them intently because I hide behind a tree.
(A/N: For those who didn't play Cult of the Lamb, The NPC named Helob will give you a free follower if they were either sick, old, or dissenting. The usual prize is ranged from 50 to 0 gold coins based on the follower)
I was gonna leave but then I stepped on a stick, alarming the spider.
"Ohh who's there? A customer perhaps"
I think the spider heard me and I didn't move an inch as I breathed heavily.
"Don't be shy, I know you're there" He reassured me, and I come out of hiding before I peak towards the spider.
"Come on out and don't worry I don't bite" The purple spider reassured me once again while he smiled at me brightly and I was speechless as I showed myself.
"My my. A new customer...You can have this one for free" He told me before the purple spider unwrapped the white bunny from the cocoon.
"I...Okay," I stuttered before the white bunny just run straight to me in fear of the giant spider.
"I hope we see other again" The spider left, leaving me with a white bunny, wearing brown tattered clothing.
"Thank you" I heard the white bunny thank but then he throws up on the ground.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked in concern before I kneel to the bunny's height.
" very sick" The bunny replied and then I touch his forehead.
"Oh...yikes, you have a bad fever" I retract my hand upon feeling his temperature.
"What is your name?" The bunny asked me in a weak tone.
"My name is (Y/N)" I introduce myself as I unzip my backpack to find some medicine for him.
"I'm...Cotton" He told me before he started coughing a few times.
I don't think these medicine will work on Cotton since he is a bunny, not a human.
"I hope these medicine that I have. Can help feel better" I gave him a paracetamol tablet before he grabs it and put it in his mouth, swallowing it.
"Ugh...It tastes awful" Cotton gags before I pour water on my water lid, serving it as a cup before he drinks it quickly because taking a paracetamol tablet tastes awful when I first took one on my fever.
I then left before I begin to walk away from there but then the bunny just followed me like a lost puppy.
"Hey...Why are you following me?" I question Cotton before I kneel to his height once again.
"I have nowhere to go and my dead due to a sacrifice" Cotton shed a single tear but then again I might use a company in this forest.
I let out a sigh before I looked at Cotton in his blue eyes, staring back at my (E/C) ones
"Listen can follow me around but please help whenever you can. Okay," Cotton nodded agreeing to my terms but then the bunny floated mid-air turning his tattered clothes into black robes that have some kind of weird symbols and runes on them.
"Umm. what just happened?" I asked Cotton because I just witness some weird things that logic does not exist.
"Wait...are you a God like those bishops?" He asked me suspiciously.
"I...don't even know Cotton maybe..."
Suddenly the teal crown crosses my mind before I grasp it in my hands, looking at it as he gasped at me.
"Cotton...*Sigh* The truth is...I accidentally found this so-called crown in a cave and then here I am now" I
The teal crown immediately floats back to my head just like before.
"We'll talk about this later (Y/N) but for now...we must make or find a shelter since we only have a few hours before nighttime arrives" Cotton simply states before I nod in agreement.

Yet still, I have to learn more about this teal crown on my head and maybe. Just maybe I could find some answer I've been looking for in these strange lands.

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