Chapter 2: Explaination

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No One's POV 
(Y/N) and his white bunny companion has been walking for several minutes in these woods. The human could feel uneasiness upon seeing bones on the ground and (Y/N) could smell the iron from the blood entering his nostrils but as for Cotton, he was used to it.
"Did somebody die in here?" (Y/N) breaks the silence between him and the white bunny.
"I think so...but don't worry (Y/N), I'm used to it and I hope you will too" Cotton reassured his companion in a stoic tone.
"Are you even worried Cotton?" (Y/N) starts to sweat profusely because of the dangers in this world.
"Yes, a lot since I've been a part of Bishop Leshy's cult, and now I left due to my parents sacrificing themselves just for the cause" Hearing that made (Y/N) anxious even more.
"I am scared for my life" The human felt his heart pounding fast.
The sun was now setting down and nighttime arrives, replacing the blue sky with stars.
(Y/N)'s POV
We finally found a perfect place to set up camp and then I see my companion start grabbing some twigs for our fire.
I then unzipped my backpack to pull out a lighter and a bag of marshmallows.
"What is that stuff?" I heard Cotton and I think he does not know what marshmallows are.
"These are marshmallows" I answered while ripping the bag open before giving a single marshmallow to my companion.
Cotton put it in his mouth, chewing it before the white bunny smiled in joy.
"This is the best thing I've ever tasted in my whole life!" He exclaimed before Cotton grabs more marshmallows to shove in his mouth.
"Woah Cotton Slow down and please gather some wood for our campfire" I commanded the white bunny before he left to get more wood.

I then go some wood as well before I left my backpack there.
Upon walking not too far. I see a huge tree in front of me and I kinda wished that I brought an axe with me.
My teal crown suddenly floats, emitting a teal glow before it turned itself into an axe.
I then caught it as it falls slowly into my hands while the teal eye was present in the head.
"Wow," I said in awe while examining it.
The handle was smooth and it looks sharp on the edges. The head of the axe was blue and the shaft is in a teal color scheme.

I begin to swing my axe against the tree repeatedly and it was doing its job perfectly.
~Several minutes later of swing later~
"TIMBER!" I yelled while watching the tree falls on the ground with a loud thud.
"Wow (Y/N) did you just chop down a tree?" I suddenly hear Cotton from behind me.
"I think of this" I showed him my axe but suddenly it transformed back into a teal crown once again, returning on the top of my head and my companion's eyes went wide.
"You're like the same as the bishops and they form into any tools or weapon they choose" The bunny starts to explain, making me confused a little but yet still this crown might be handy in any situation.
"It's kinda nice to have this crown as a tool" I replied before I started thinking of other things like...a chainsaw.
Once again my crown begins to form into a chainsaw before I caught it in my hands and I then start revving it just to cut the tree trunk for our firewood.
~Several minutes later~
We were toasting marshmallows on the fire and then I pulled out a zip-tight plastic bag filled with graham crackers with some chocolate filling in the crackers.
"What are those (Y/N)?" My companion asked me while blowing his burned marshmallow on a stick.
"This is where we make smores" I smiled before I put my melted marshmallow into the cracker with another cracker on the top before eating them.
I watched my bunny companion do the same as well before he eats, making Cotton smile once more like how he eats marshmallows for the first time.
"This is the best thing I've tasted in my whole life" I heard Cotton mumbling before I giggle at the white bunny.

~A few minutes later~
We were now going to sleep as my companion sleeps on the ground but then while laying in my sleeping bag. I couldn't sleep at all and my body was not demanding sleep. My eyes were not heavy, I didn't feel like I'm going to yawn, and I thought it was insomnia but no it was not.
"Cotton" I whispered to the white bunny before he slowly opened his eyes.
"(Y/N) you still awake?" The bunny was sitting up while letting out a yawn.
"I could not fall asleep...So I've decided that you can sleep in my sleeping bag" I told him but he does not have the energy to reply and Cotton just crawls into my sleeping bag before my companion instantly falls asleep peacefully.

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