Chapter 6: Disagreement or Acceptance

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Leshy's POV
It's been a week since (Y/N) was still unconscious and I kinda feel grateful for him being my assistant around my followers. He deals with what my followers needed while I had some for myself instead of tirelessly hearing their requests from me and (Y/N) was now the one who will deal with their requests instead of me.

Curiosity is anticipating me because I do not know what power (Y/N) holds or what curse he could do and my patience is getting thin.
But at the same time. I am a little scared about what he could do.

~A few hours later~
No One's POV
The four bishops gathered around in a private chamber at night.
"Shamura. Are you serious right now?" Heket became furious at Shamura but Leshy was fine with the human and Kallamar had mixed feeling about (Y/N).

Narinder didn't join because he is busy right now in his domain but the bishop of death doesn't mind (Y/N).
"I made my decision sister. (Y/N) will be one of us now and I am turning that human into our sibling whether you liked it or not" Shamura argued back at Heket.
The bishop of famine growled in anger, baring her teeth.
Kallamar was about to speak but then he didn't continue what the squid going to say.
"Hey...Where's Narinder?" Leshy inquires because they all gather around in these chambers for a meeting.
"Narinder is busy, Leshy, and also he told me that he doesn't mind (Y/N) being our new sibling" Shamura informs the worm.
"Oh great" Heket only blurt out.
"Are you sure about your decision Shamura? Don't get me wrong but I only see (Y/N) as my assistant than a sibling" Leshy bluntly, making the purple spider look at the worm.
"How so. Leshy?" The bishop of war questions him.
"For the past weeks or...a month. (Y/N) dealt with my followers' requests and I had some time for myself" The youngest bishop explained
"Shamura...I am leaving" Heket then left the chamber in disagreement because she can't accept (Y/N) as a sibling, just because he has a crown.
"We'll continue this discussion later but for now I'll go and check on (Y/N)" Shamura inform their sibling before they all left the chamber.

Heket's POV
THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I am not accepting (Y/N) ever and I'm so paranoid about that human.
What if one day (Y/N) will turn against my siblings?
What if he brought heresy to us all?
My mind is all over the place because of that human and I can't believe Shamura did this to make (Y/N) our newest sibling.
No matter...I'll keep my eye on (Y/N).

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