Chapter 20: Burial

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"The prophecy wasn't forgiving for my siblings... yet I do not want to be involved at this "gory" coup with the other bishops. Mercy was the best option since in my previous life: Mercy isn't a weakness,it's an act of kindness towards others.
Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura think it's preposterous because of killing is needed, especially heretics that plagued the land itself,"
- Bishop (Y/N)'s self made Monologue.

(Y/N)'s POV
Visiting Leshy's realm called Darkwood floods my mind with all kinds of scenarios when stepping a foot here in these woods.

"This woods used to be full of life when Leshy ruled this very realm... Now he is dead because Lamb slaughtered him. It's must be gruesome to think about it," I muttered under my breath.
The smell of blood waft into my nostrils while also seeing dead bodies of Leshy's followers and minions. Everything went south for Bishop Leshy, and I know for a fact that he is torn into blood shred by the hands of the Lamb.

I started to walk further into the woods. The trees had skeletons tied around the bark since Leshy would punish dissenters that way.
'I guess my methods of punishing dissenters must be different from the others,' I looked between the trees as my boots tapped against the cobblestone path that leads somewhere.

A rustle from a bush was heard, causing me to turn around with a raised eyebrow.
"Bishop (Y/N)... Ohh thank the gods. You were here... Please... Can you take us in... Bishop Leshy is dead, and we have nowhere to go. " A hooded follower of Leshy begged as the other 20 followers came out. A huge percentage of them were either injured, hungry, or desperate.

"Very well mortal... But where's Leshy's corpse?" I towered upon the follower as I looked down on them.
"In the temple. Bishop (Y/N)... Follow me this way. " The hooded follower then led me towards Leshy's temple.

I followed Leshy's cultists. Darkwood is empty, filled with the corpses of followers, guardians that were loyal to Leshy, as well as areas with trees that were cut down.

Looking at the cultists. I stared intently at the grey male cat follower to my right, reading his mind.
'How could this happen to us?. Bishop Leshy is dead... Now we are just nothing but outcasts. Thank the gods. Bishop (Y/N) is here to take us in." I read the grey cat's mind for a moment while following these cultists.

No One's POV
Bishop (Y/N) and Leshy's cultist reached the temple after a 1 hour walk in the Darkwood. Many more followers were found along the way. Now, the human bishop owns Leshy's followers/cultists.

Pushing the giant doors open to the temple, reveal a gory scene in front of them.Leshy's dried blood is splattered everywhere, and the bones of his loyal cultists were seen too.

"This... this is so messed up." The human bishop  kneeled down to examine Leshy's mangled corpse. The cultists of the Bishop of Chaos were mourning for their god.
"What should we do now... Bishop (Y/N)?" a random hooded follower asked the storm bishop.

"I suggest that we should bury Leshy." (Y/N) replied to them with a frown tugging on my face.
With no other options. Leshy's followers/cultists nodded in response while they were still mourning for the Bush worm's death.

"Looks like this is going to be a long for us." The human bishop mumbled to myself while the followers and all of them began to gather the remains of Leshy's corpse.

The gather took 20 minutes to do as the followers were putting Leshy's remains in a several separate urns while (Y/N) uses his teal crown to turn it into a shovel, digging a massive hole on the soil outside of the deceased Bushworm's temple.

(Y/N)'s POV
The followers/cultists of Leshy gathered around to mourned their bishop/god. They all had their eyes closed while putting their hands together with their head down.

I read some of their minds with my teal crown.
"How could this happen to our beloved bishop?"
"I guess now... Bishop (Y/N) is our new god... Gosh, I gotta adapt the new changes and environment that Storm Bishop has to offers us"
"The Lamb has pay for what he did"

Those were the thoughts I got by reading their minds for a brief moment.
'Oh jeez... I guess Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura will get the same treatment, too... I don't know if I could take care of my adopted sibling's followers when the three of them perished.' That possibly is now planted in my mind now, kmowing that I must take care of their followers as Lamb will slay them one by one.

After paying respect for Leshy. His followers/cultist has to slowly accept the new changes since now I'm their new bishop/god.
'Oh dear gods... This is going to give me a lot of responsibility. Leshy's lost followers are like... 90 of them.' I pondered for a moment, thinking about what am I going to do with them when we reached Stormhowler Valley.

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