Chapter 4: The Four Bishops

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(Y/N)'s POV
It felt like the time when slowly for me because I can't fall asleep and I'm starting to think that it was not insomnia but maybe this crown but it is a mystery for me to find.
I pulled out my phone and check the time it was 4:05 A.M.
I let out a frustrated sigh because I have to wait for Leshy in the morning and patience is not usually my thing but I was forced to wait anyways.
I stood up from the log that was I sitting on and explore the place.
I could see extinguished campfires and finally, I saw a statue that resembled Leshy with some red camelia flowers placed at the bottom of the statue.

I walked elsewhere to do something else and my heart stopped for a second upon seeing skeletons tied up in the trees.
"What the fuck" I whispered to myself and then I continue walking without laying my eyes on the trees.
"This is so messed up" I muttered in fear, my heart beating faster in my chest.
Suddenly a black ichor appeared in front of me, revealing Leshy there.
"(Y/N), now is time for you to have a serious talk with my siblings" The giant worm states in a stern tone.
"You have siblings?" I was taken aback when he mentioned it
"I have 3 to be precise" Leshy revealed,
"Okay..." I trailed off, knowing that I have nothing else to that.
"Follow me (Y/N)" He commanded and yet then again I have nothing to do.
I begin following the giant worm as I felt distressed about this situation already.
~Several minutes later~
"Where did you even find that crown?" Leshy inquires and I could tell he is curious about it.
"I...It's a long story but I'll tell you all I know once we reach this place that you were gonna take me to" I nervously replied as I occasionally glance around the unknown forest but Leshy might know the way around these forests.
"Understandable but that crown you had makes you immortal, meaning you can live forever," The worm told me, making my eyes widen as plates.
"Really? Let me ask you this: How old are you?" I inquire about Leshy and I want to know something from him.
"Don't be surprised (Y/N) but...I'm over 3 million years old-ish but I lost count"
"3 MILLION YEARS OLD!" I screech loudly at the top of my lungs
"How about you (Y/N)?" He then ignores my outburst and asks me.
"I'm just 20 years old," I told him as we're now crossing a bridge where a river beneath it.
"Hmm...That is the age when my eldest sibling Shamura took taught me how to be a bishop" This is gonna be a lot to take in but I'll prepare for 100 questions that would probably barrage at me when I meet Leshy's siblings.

~Time Skip~
No One's POV
Leshy and (Y/N) arrived at Silk Cradle where Shamura lives. They were close to the temple but (Y/N) could feel the shivers down his spine while looking at the bones of the dead followers on the ground. When the (F/C) male looked up, he flinch and cover his mouth, trying not to scream.
"This is the creepiest place ever" When Leshy hears that from (Y/N), The bishop of chaos chuckled as if reminding him of Kallamar's cowardice.
"We're getting close" The worm reassured the human while they reached the huge wooden door to Shamura's temple.

Leshy opened the door, letting (Y/N) get in before shutting the door behind them.
"Glad you could make it brother" Shamura appeared, making the human hide behind Leshy.
"Took you long enough," Heket said in an annoyed tone due to her impatience.
"It would be quicker to teleport that 'thing' here but then again, We have to wait for you," Kallamar remarked as the (F/C) haired human comes out of hiding.
"Where's Narinder" Leshy inquired to his siblings.
"Oh...He is busy at the moment" Shamura informed the worm before their attention went to (Y/N).
"Shamura...What even is that creature?" The bishop of famine inquires Shamura.
"This is a human, sister," The spider told their sister.
(Y/N) looked away from the bishop of war's multiple eyes after 10 seconds of staring at each other.
"What is your name human?" Shamura asked in a calm tone, reassuring (Y/N) that they do not pose a threat.
"My name is...(Y/N)" He introduced himself as he fiddles with his fingers.
"Well (Y/N) it is nice to meet you. I'm Shamura" The spider introduces themselves to the human.
"This is Heket" They pointed at the tomato frog who is glaring at (Y/N) and she has a yellow crown.
"This is Kallamar" Shamura pointed at the blue squid who had a blue crown on top of his head.
"It's nice to meet you all..." (Y/N) trailed off as he nervously laugh as sweat is trickling down his forehead.
'This is nerve-wracking' (Y/N) thought to himself as he pulled a white cloth to wipe the sweat on his forehead.
"Are you gonna answer my question like you promised?" Leshy reminded the human.
"Yes...Of course" (Y/N) stuttered nervously as he gathers his thoughts.

Shamura's POV
I could sense distress in the human and yet, I just try to welcome (Y/N) properly and then teach him like how I teach my siblings.
I didn't recall that there was a sixth crown somewhere in this land but the one thing that scares me is what power or curse will the teal crown holds.
"Alright...It all started when I climb this mountain and I don't know what's it called" (Y/N) started explaining to us and I listen intently.
" found this teal crown on the mountain. Am I right?" I heard Heket question the human and I think she is suspicious or paranoid about our safety.
"No...It's not 'on' top of the mountain. It's in the mountain, more specifically: A cave" (Y/N) continues his side of the story.
"A cave? What were doing in there other than finding the crown, of course," It was my turn to ask him a question.
"The rain was pouring down on me and I had no choice but to go inside the cave" The human answered and I could sense the truth in his word even tho (Y/N) is a little nervous.
"Good question: Did you feel different when you put it on?" Kallamar asked in curiosity.
"Actually...I passed out on the floor and after that, I ended up here on this land while meeting my first bunny companion named Cotton" (Y/N) answered the blue squid, and it would make sense but not completely to my siblings.
"And also I can do this" The human then transformed his crown into some kind of saw and I was fascinated that he learned how to conjure tools for any situation.
"What even is that!?" Kallamar exclaimed in fear when we suddenly a dreadful sound coming from (Y/N)'s saw and it was spinning rapidly.
"This is a chainsaw and I used this to cut down trees," The human told the squid before (Y/N)'s tool called chainsaw turns back into a teal crown once again.
"Do you still have questions for me?" The human asked us, we then glance at each other and my siblings shook their heads no.
"I think you answered enough but where are you planning to stay?" I asked the human and (Y/N) starts to think.
"I'll stay with Leshy if it's okay for you"
After he said that, I turn to my youngest sibling.
"Of course but there will be rules" I heard my youngest sibling sternly tell the human.
"Shamura can I be excused?" I heard Heket and she wanted to leave to do her thing back at Anura.
"You may, Heket" I then see the frog conjure a portal before she left us.
Not long after that, they left as well and then I head straight to my library to do some research.

No One's POV
After that long talk with the four, Leshy and I returned to Darkwood.
He told me that he wouldn't mind me living here as long as I work for Leshy.
This is now my new life, yet I think that fate has bigger plans for me and I'll have to find the answers.

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