Chapter 8: Chaos and Storm

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The tapping of footsteps sounded as the human named (Y/N) walked on the cobblestone path toward Leshy's temple and the followers stop on what they were doing as they see the teal crown-bearer human who is like 20 feet tall walking past them.

The followers began to talk to themselves after (Y/N) passes as the tension in the air filled but luckily Cotton reassured them that (Y/N) is not going to harm.

(Y/N)'s POV
I reached Leshy's temple and somehow the door opens automatically. I took a deep breath before I walked inside the temple, hearing the door close behind me. Leshy's temple has plants growing on the ground and I only see Camelia flowers.
"Leshy...Are you there?" I shouted while looking around his temple.
A door swings open, revealing the bushworm himself.
"(Y/N) Is that you?... You looked different" He commented, walking closer to me, scanning my appearance.
"Of course Leshy. It's me (Y/N) and... I might have grown maybe too much" I trailed off.
"Ohh...You're like the same height now as my siblings and...What's with your robe...It's glowing teal runes right" He examines my robe in awe.
"Actually...i don't know maybe it's part of my crown and I can't read runes" I answered Leshy as I started at my glowing teal runes on my robe.
"It's okay (Y/N). We can solve this mystery later" Leshy reassured me, placing his hand on my shoulder.
I let out a sigh because now I'm part of the bishops now.
"I just can't believe that I' of you now and it is unexpected still" I frown because I'm quite worried about all the things if I became a bishop like the five.
"You'll get used to it sooner and besides you can live forever just like my siblings" He told me while flashing a smile at me.
"Heket doesn't like me still and Kallamar...he seems cautious around me" I revealed to the bushworm.
"I...notice that and Shamura did notice that too" Leshy then frowned at the thought before he continues
"They'll get used to you and maybe you should talk to Heket and Kallamar more"
His suggestion might be the only way to gain Heket and Kallamar's trust. Maybe I'll try it and then slowly gain their trust.
"I guess it won't hurt to try since I'm an immortal now" I joked, making us laughed.
"But in all seriousness too. You should talk to them" Leshy became serious at me.

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