Chapter 11: (Y/N)'s Power

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[A Few Months Later]
No One's POV
All of the bishops including (Y/N) we're gathered in the dining table. The human just ate only a fruit salad or chicken since the rest of the food in the table were cooked flesh of the dissenters. Heket and Shamura we're enjoying eating the followers meat, making (Y/N) uncomfortable and the human bishop just looked the other way while eating his food. The dining room were kinda dim due to the lack of candles and the glowing teal runes glows in the dark.
"So...(Y/N) have you discovered your powers of your teal crown yet?" Shamura broke the silence, making Heket narrowed her eyes while Narinder glanced at the only human in the dining table.
"No...Not yet" (Y/N) respond in a sheepish while finishing his food and then taking a sip of wine from a golden chalice.
"(Y/N) how come you still haven't discovered your powers of your crown besides turning it into a tool?" Kallamar inquires at the human as the squid drinks his wine from the golden chalice but Kallamar's chalice has diamonds on them.
" not know" The human bishop replies and Heket was scoff at (Y/N).
"What's with the glowing teal runes?" The Tomato frog inquires in curiosity while she looked at the human.
"Oh these? I do not know...i think it's how my teal crown just adds some design to my black bishop robe I guess" (Y/N) answered Heket. The red frog took note of this but she wasn't sure if it's true or not.

"It's been like...a year and half since you've joined us (Y/N). Yet you still haven't figured out what powers your teal crown holds" Narinder pointed out while finishing his food and then took a sip of wine from his golden chalice with ruby on it.
"I have zero clue about the teal crown's origins in my library" Shamura told the human before they finished their food and drink grape juice from their golden chalice that has amethyst on it.
"How many followers do you have now" Kallamar inquires at (Y/N) before drinking wine from the golden chalice with sapphire crystals on it.
"I have 10 followers so far" The human answered and this made Heket scoffed at (Y/N).
"I'm leaving" The tomato frog left the dining table and (Y/N) frowned as Heket lefted.

[Several Hours Later]
(Y/N)'s POV
The moonlight shines upon me as I walked back to my cult and I see Cotton runs towards me with a bright smile.
"I'm glad that you're back. Bishop (Y/N)" The white bunny started before he walked along side me.
"So...How's the followers going? Are they fine while I'm gone?" I asked the bunny while looking down at Cotton.
"Zoptin has gone missing" Hearing that made my eyes go wide.
"WHAT!" I exclaimed and looked directly at the bunny.
"He lied to us about stop dissenting and now he's gone" The white bunny explained while shaking in fear.
"Where is he!?" I screamed, making the bunny follower flinched.
"Follow me Bishop (Y/N)" Cotton run and I followed the white bunny with a determination written all over my face.

[Some time Later]
We followed Zoptin's tracks towards the river and the trails vanish.
We see a fox and it was Peteon. I see that the yellow fox had a cut on his left arm and he held a blood stained knife.
"Where's Zoptin. Peteon?" I demanded as I heard the fox whimper in pain.
"He is being kidnapped and I'll show where Zoptin is" The fox replied before Peteon ran and we followed him.

We arrived at some camp and I could see Zoptin tied up to a wooden pole.
I see several non-believers wielding weapons such as swords, spears and mace.
"Let him go or else!" I demanded as I feel something strange in me.
"Or else what freak!?" The brown bear who is wielding a sword glared at me.
"Hey isn't he is the bishop who has no powers?" The black and white cat bandit who is wielding a sword asked.
"That's him alright" The brown bear then laughs and I clench my fist in anger while I growl under my breath.

No One's POV
Cotton and Peteon noticed that (Y/N) starts to get angry at the bandits.
The moonlight in the night sky got covered by clouds.
Lightning crackles, making the 4 bandits flinched a little while glancing the sky.
"Let him go or suffer the consequences" The human bishop became more angry than ever but the 4 bandits ignore him.
"Never" The brown bear say in cocky tone before cutting off Zoptin's pinky finger, making the amphibian screamed in pure agony.

(Y/N)'s eyes turned into teal, making the bandits look at the human bishop.
Before the brown bear bandit could speak. A lightning from the sky smithed the bear into dust, making the other 3 bandits gasp in horror. Peteon and Cotton stared at the human in awe as they noticed (Y/N)'s clenched fist with a spark of lightning.

"Run!" The three bandits ran for their lives but then their escape were short lived as the two hooded bandits became frozen in ice by (Y/N)'s new found powers.
The human bishop walked up to the frozen hooded bandits before (Y/N)'s teal crown turned into a giant mallet and the human lift up the mallet above his head before smashing the frozen hooded bandits into a million pieces.

The black and white cat looked in horror in his eyes upon witnessing the human's power.
"Please...spare me!" The feline backed up against a tree, accidentally cornering himself as (Y/N) looked at the cat with his teal glowing eyes.
(Y/N) grabbed the black and white cat by the neck before the human transform his crown into a dagger, raising it up and this made the feline realized that his life was about to end while begging for (Y/N) to spare him.
"No...No...Please...NOOOOOO!" The cat's screams echoed across the lands of the Old faith.

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