Chapter 15: Overflowing Tears

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"For a millennia. Narinder also known as The One Who Waits. Has now feel rancor towards his 4 siblings except for (Y/N). The prophecy hasn't happened yet and it's only a matter of time before the genocide for begins"
- Clauneck's narration

[5 years before the genocide]
(Y/N)'s POV
"Having a migraine Shamura?" I asked the bishop of war while wrapping gauze around their head to cover the purple spider's expose brain.
"Yes (Y/N). These migraine are becoming constant now" The purple spider replied with whisper in their voice while being bandaged by the human bishop.

The human finishes wrapping Shamura's head and yet the purple spider seems to be sad.
"I... missed Narinder. I just can't believe he... He hurt me and my siblings like this" Shamura shed a tear of sadness and this was the first time that I see them cry.

I let out a sigh before I wipe their tears with a white cloth.
"I feel the same too about Narinder" I begun to remove my blood stained apron after bandaging Shamura.

"This family... is torn... apart" I could hear Shamura crying now as tears start to roll down their face.
'I guess freeing Narinder isn't an option here... If only one day. This will end in them reconciliation while being united together' I then comfort Shamura as they cried on my shoulder for 30 minutes.

'Good thing. My robe is very easy to wash' I thought to myself as Shamura's tears were now soaking my long black robe with teal glowing runes.

"Shamura...I" I trailed off as frown slowly tugged on my lips while patting Shamura's back.
"(Y/N)... Could you do me a favor?" The purple spider sobbed and I could now see how puffy their eyes were now.
I nodded in response as I get a hold of my robe.

Shamura showed me a present wrapped in purple wrapping with a spider pattern.
Letting out a sigh. I slowly take the present from them, looking at it.
"(Y/N) give that present to Narinder... Please" I could their soft whisper clearly in my ears.
"Yes... Shamura" I accept their request before leaving their temple.

Upon leaving. My footsteps tapping in the cobblestone were the only thing that I heard in my ears.
"I wonder what this present is?" Muttering to myself under my breath. I continue on walking.

My passing on Shamura's followers treated me with respect since I'm officially one of the Old Faith's bishops.
I receiving greeting from the followers of Silk Cradle and I am still not getting used to being treated like a superior being in the lands of the Old Faith.

"What has this family become?" I begin to puzzled myself while holding the purple present carefully in my hands.

[A couple of hours later]
No one's POV
(Y/N) reached the Gateway to the Afterlife where Narinder is imprisoned. The human bishop conjured a portal and he still holds the present Shamura gave him.

The storm bishop let out a deep sigh before going inside Narinder's domain in the Afterlife.

Upon entering the domain. (Y/N) flinched a little due to the bright of the realm because it's all white. The human adjust his eyes to the light before walking walking forwards, hearing splashing footsteps as every step that human takes.

"Narinder... I... I brought you a present from... Shamura" The human seems to be feeling a little scared before witnessing the black cat with three eyes turned around to face him.
"A present from Shamura?" Narinder seems to be perplexed and (Y/N) places down the purple gift box before the chained cat.

"Why don't you open it?" (Y/N) kneels down, waiting for Narinder to open the present.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)... But I can't reached it. Can you open it for me?" The black asked the human.

(Y/N) nodded in response as he begins to tear the purple wrapping of the gift and then Narinder lifts up the cover of the gift.
The human sees two black kittens inside, sleeping peacefully and it didn't take long before the kits to wake up from their slumber.

"Do you like Shamura's gift?" (Y/N) asked Narinder, watching the chained bishop gently picked up the kittens into his arms.
"I... I love them" Narinder suddenly shed a tear of happiness upon holding the black kittens into his warm embrace while hearing the kits meow.

Seeing Narinder cry in tears of joy, makes the human happy for him since now. The chained bishop is no longer alone in his prison.
"So... What are you going to name the kittens" (Y/N) asked Narinder while wiping the tears from the chained bishop's face with a white cloth.
"I think I'm gonna name them... Baal and Aym" Narinder then smiled as he caressed the kitten's soft fur.

"That's sounds fitting Narinder" The human smiled on both him and the kittens.
"(Y/N)...uh... Tell Shamura... Thank you for me please" The chained cat tells the human.
"I shall tell Shamura" The human hugged Narinder before (Y/N) left the Afterlife.

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