Chapter 5: Mysterious Powers

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~5 weeks later~
(Y/N)'s POV
Bishop Leshy commanded me to go to a tailor because my clothes were getting dirty and now I am here, trying out these robes with different sizes
"This robe is kinda big for me" I sheepishly told the tailor named Catherine, a white female cat.
"Try this one," She said while bringing me another black robe with golden trimmings.
I put it on and the robe is the exact size because the last one is kinda big due to its fabric reaching the floor but this one currently that I wore is perfect for me, The fabric only reaches nearly my lower legs.
"This might do," I told the tailor but suddenly I felt my teal crown float, and then my robe has teal runes on the black fabric and the golden trimmings as well.
"Wow," Catherine is in awe at my clothes as she ogled at the runes occasionally glowing teal on my robe.
"I know, I know...Listen, Catherine...I am not a God Okay!" I sternly told the tailor, crossing my arms.
"Alright, I'll stop ogling" Catherine defensively told me as she puts away the big robe as the feline walks away.
I nearly forgot the pouch of gold coins for her payment and I put it on the table.

Curiosity got the best of me before I begin to inspect the gold coin.
My heart dropped when I see a Pentagram on the coin.
'What the actual fuck...Are they worshipping Satan!?." I mentally screamed but then I remembered that this is a different world and I let out a sigh of relief.
"You're still here...I thought you left?" I heard Catherine, snapping me out of my deep thoughts.
"Oh yeah, I just left you some gold coins for my payment for this robe," I told her while I put the coin back into the pouch before giving it to the feline tailor.
"Oh (Y/N) this one's on me, keep gold coins" She generously told me.
"Are you sure Catherine?" I asked in a worried tone at the white feline.
"Yes of course (Y/N)...I mean you're new here and I insist that you keep those coins for future use" The feline tailor told me before I put the gold coin pouch in my pockets.
"Just come to me for robes okay (Y/N)" She reminded me before Catherine sits down on the chair she organized the robes by hanging them.
"I'll remember...Bye," I then left as I slightly adjust my robe before I went outside.

Suddenly Leshy appeared with a black ichor portal beneath him.
"You finally have the proper attire huh (Y/N)?" Leshy looked down upon me but then he looked closely at my robe and I think he is examining the teal runes on my black robe.
"I am simply curious about these runes written on your black robe," The worm told me while I looked at Leshy's multiple eyes, staring at my (F/C) ones.
"Oh, that...My crown did these" I nervously laugh as I say this to the giant worm.
"You still haven't figured out your powers on the teal crown?" Leshy sternly said to me before we begin walking.
"Well, not yet" I replied with a nervous tone because I am quite afraid of what power my teal crown held.
"Huh, strange...I hope that whatever power you wield in that teal crown of yours holds could help my siblings, not use it against the five of us" Leshy spat at me in a threatening tone as I raised my hands in defense.
"Also (Y/N) I have a question for you" He continues but then pointed at the rosary around my neck.
"What is that?" Leshy interrogated me and I have to come up with a lie or something as my heart is pounding in my chest.
"Uhh...My grandfather's necklace" I lied about the rosary and he is still staring at me intently as Leshy's eyes narrowed at me.
"Hmm...Okay," The worm bishop trailed off before I let out a sigh of relief as Leshy turns around.

~Time skip~
"Glad you can make it (Y/N)" Shamura stoically said as Leshy and I arrived at their so-called "Personal Dining room".
"I couldn't say no to your invitation, Shamura," I told the giant spider as I climb onto the chair before seeing different food on the table.
"Is that Narinder, Shamura?" I inquire due to seeing a black cat with three eyes, bearing a red crown.
"Yes I am, (Y/N), and also it's about time that we finally met after like what? 5 weeks?" Narinder trailed off as he took a bite out of a piece of meat with a fork.
"Shamura, What kind of bishop is Narinder? I mean your bishop of war, Heket is Famine, Kallamar is pestilence, Leshy is Chaos but for him" I enumerate before I took a bite of cooked meat.
"I am the Bishop of Death. Young one" The black feline answered and I took note of it in my mind.
"So..(Y/N) your this so-called 'human' Shamura talked about who bears this...Teal crown" The red crown bearer is looking at my crown and I could see his third eye open up.
"I used the crown for turning it into tools and it's not like I've unlocked it..."
Suddenly I feel my head spinning like a top and my vision became blurry.
"Augh...I don't feel so good...Ahhh" A painful migraine is felt in my head as I fall to the ground. My head is throbbing in pain.

No One's POV
"(Y/N)!...(Y/N)!" Shamura rushed to assist the human.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" The eldest bishop roared in anger but then nobody poisoned (Y/N)'s food, not even Heket herself did it.
Kallamar cried but Heket smack him in the back of his head.
"Shamura Look!" Leshy exclaimed, The human suddenly glows in teal as (Y/N) slowly increase his overall size and height. Shamura checked the pulse on his neck and they could feel the tick, meaning that (Y/N) is just unconscious, not dead.
"We'll carry him to the bed" Leshy snapped out of his daze before he and Narinder carried the human.
"What even happened?" Heket inquires at Shamura, only to be answered with a shrug since they didn't know how to explain it.

However. (Y/N)'s teal crown begins to accept its new bearer and this time, his powers shall be revealed.
Shamura planned something for (Y/N) and that is to make him a part of their family as their newest sibling making him the sixth bishop of the old faith.

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