2: confession

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Amy's P.O.V :

I noticed that Sonic was walking toward me so I quickly acted like I was doing something- like grabbing a glass of water, yeah! I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle and closed it back seeing Sonic in the kitchen. He washed the dishes that were used for the chilidogs and I just watched him not knowing what else to do.

"Say, Ames," My ears perked up from him saying my name. I set the water bottle down "hm?" I hummed in response. "you said you wanted to tell me something?" I froze. He still remembers that!? I started to blush madly but I just covered my face breathing in and out before taking my hands off my face and turning toward my crush. "yes!" I said while smiling.

"what is it?" He washed his hands while his ears perked up showing that he was giving me all his attention. I started to fiddle with my hands "I don't know if I wanna say it here" I whispered out "you wanna go in my room and talk about it?" He smiled at me "sure" "okay go ahead be right there." I immediately walked past the kitchen and upstairs to my crush's room.

"why is rose going to your room?" I heard shadow ask.

"Oh! she wanted to tell me something and I guess she didn't feel comfortable saying it around you, sorry shadz" that's all I heard before other footsteps became louder and louder until they reach the door. I braced myself for what was about to happen.

Sonic walked inside wearing his handsome smile like always and that made me more nervous but I tried to not think too much of it. After he closed the door and locked it I know there was no getting out of this one now.

"Soo" he flopped on his bed while I sat down on the carpet on the floor not knowing where else to sit. "what is it?" I took 2 deep breaths in and out before speaking. 

"I love you sonic, I always loved you since the day we first met. I just hope you feel the same way..." I trailed off and as soon as I looked up all I saw was a blue hedgehog with his ears going down and a frown on his face. 

"d-did I do something wrong?" I panicked 

"no...Ames you didn't, it's just that" He nervously chuckled while scratching the back of his quills looking around the room and mumbling "how do I put this.."

He stood up and crouched down to my level and picked up my hands, I started to blush madly at the act thinking he liked me back but all that went down the drain after I heard what he said next.

"Listen, Amy, I love you and all but not like the way you love me. I love you like a sister and I always will! but I just don't feel the same way and I'm sorry about that. I'm actually gay and Shadow is my boyfriend that's why he's in my house today. But I promise you will find someone else that will love you like how you loved me, Ames" He hugged me tightly. I couldn't stop the tears that were practically forcing themselves out of my eyes to not come out so I just sat there crying. 

"ssh it's okay" I smiled while gently pushing my ex-crush back and wiping the tears off my face. I stood up hugging Sonic one last time before speaking "Thanks, Sonic. I'm glad you found your love and I hope I will someday too." Sonic smiled at the words "no problem ames" I unlocked the door opening it "bye sonic!" I said with a smile as if I wasn't just bawling my eyes out 2 minutes ago. "cya ames!"

I walked downstairs and opened the door and closed it behind me. I started to cry more feeling the heartbreak of someone I loved for almost 3 years all going to waste.

I walked toward the forest and farther into it remembering a place where Sonic used to take me whenever I felt sad. 

Flashback ~~

"Hey, ames- woah what happened to you?"  An azure hedgehog asked seeing a pink hedgehog pulling her knees to her chest and stuffing her face in her knees with her ears pinned to her skull and muffled sobbing could be heard. 

A pink ear twitched from the sudden voice and she quickly looked up to see her crush sonic, Amy wiped her tears away and cleared her throat. "hey sonic!" She said with her cheerful voice like she wasn't just crying.

"don't." Sonic bluntly said with his arms crossed and an unamused look plastered on his face.

"What?" That only made Amy more confused "what did I do?" Sonic walked towards the pink hedgehog and sat next to her giving her a hug.

"don't act like you weren't crying your heart out for chaos knows long!" Sonic exclaimed while hugging her tighter. That only made Amy cry more from the affection she was getting and she pulled her knees down and turned her body slightly to hug back the blue one.

After a while- or like 5 minutes the two finally pulled away. "I always wanted to show you this place I discovered while I was doing one of my daily morning runs and since you are here I'm going to take this as an amazing opportunity too!" Sonic said extending his arm, Amy smiled while grabbing his hand standing up, and following wherever the other one was going. 

"Why were you even crying anyway?" Sonic asked which made Amy stop her thoughts and focus back into the real-life world.

"uhm- no reason!" Amy quickly said while squeezing his hand tighter. Sonic looked towards the blue hedgehog stopping and cupping her face with an annoyed look on his face.

"First you try to cover up your emotions, now this? cmon ames you know I hate when people do this" he groaned while frowning Amy only did the same but sighed instead looking into the beautiful emerald eyes and then back down at the dirt. "can we continue walking then?" Sonic nodded while pulling his hand away and continued to walk.

Amy felt empty without Sonics touch on her hand but she just ignored it. "I was actually crying because...." But before she could even finish Sonic interrupted her "woah! look at this place".

Amy felt all her sadness and anxiety fade away once they had walked inside this forest. It looked like it was just ripped out of a fairy tale.

There was a mountain top where you could sit down and watch the sunset go down or up, And then there was a big river with a waterfall connected to it with trees covering the entrance. And to top it all off, there were a bunch of different types of flowers all around. 

"This is so pretty!!" Amy exclaimed excitedly while going inside a cave and seeing a bunch of lanterns left on some rocks and flower pots on the ground with withering flowers on the verge of dying, that only made Amy sad so she backed away from the cave and walked back to where Sonic was.

"How did you find....all...this?" Amy asked while stroking a bird that had landed on her arm not too long ago. 

"Like I said, I find amazing things on my daily run heh," Sonic said proudly while sitting down and admiring the sun's reflection off the water. 

They both sat down listening to all the sounds that mother nature had created while just enjoying each other's presence- mostly Amy. 

After a while, Sonic stood up again "I noticed there was a cave down there, wanna go check it out?" Amy nodded while letting the bird on her arm peacefully fly away before standing up ad walking back to the cave to see what's really inside. 

Flashback end ~~

Amy walked halfway into the cave, all the memories of her and Sonic already flooding in her mind. 

She didn't want to think about Sonic right now so she walked away and walked to one of her best friend's houses. 

After a simple knock, the door opened revealing a friend that Amy could never be so thankful for and will always cherish no matter where the two are.

She leaped into the other's arms while crying, She had missed her best friend so much she couldn't even explain. After a while, Amy finally calmed down and just stuck back to the regular wave and greeting. 

" Hey, Blaze!

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