8: feelings

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Last chapter...

I smiled while pushing all the papers aside, grabbing a blank piece of paper, and began to write, still humming the tune I'd been humming since I started writing. )

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Blaze's POV: 

It's been a couple of more weeks since I got called down to come to the castle and finish whatever I needed.

But, it's also been a week since I finished writing that letter to Amy and sent it back to her. I have been feeling quite down for a while since I haven't been able to see her for who knows how, but the only person that is keeping me from going completely down is my other best friend, Silver.

Silver works here at the castle 24/7 unlike me, ever since I have been given the option to come and visit my castle whenever I wanted to (after a very long conversation with the queen) I immediately accepted the offer and placed my other friend that I was good friends with as the princess. 

I- of course, was still the main princess but she/Aurora was the princess that kept everything in charge whenever I'm gone. I just like to call her princess Aurora as I don't really act like a princess anymore, but I still have that spark of formality inside me that always comes out when it needs to.

Aurora has always reminded me of Amy, how she acted, and how she had that sparkle of confidence in her eyes like always. That's another reason why I was determined to pick her as the princess, she deserved it like how much Amy would deserve to be a princess. I wouldn't hesitate to make her a princess if she ever decided to live here.

But I'll always treat her as my princess 

"Blaze!" A voice called out making all my thoughts disappear and forcing me to go back into reality. "h-huh?" I looked around until I was facing amber eyes. 

"Oh, sorry Silver. Just got distracted" I said as I began to blush a little remembering everything I was thinking about. "You sure were, now c'mon the queen wants to have a word with you" Silver stood up as he opened the door and ushered me to come along with him, I nodded as I set down my papers and stood up walking to the door and past him. Silver closed the door behind him and followed me to the queen's room. 

Ever Since I found Silver, I began to talk to him, and sooner or later- we became bestfriends. I had no choice but to make him my personal helper since he was the only person I was comfortable enough being around and he seemed pretty okay about it. It's been a few years ever since we became friends and every time we see each other it seems like we know each other more and more. 

All my thoughts continued to fade and land back into me thinking about Amy, jeez am I okay? I never thought of someone this much as I am with Amy. Maybe I should tell Silver about this, he could possibly help! but right now is not the time, maybe later.

We reached the double doors that had guards blocking both of them, and I bowed as Silver copied my actions. "I was called to have a word with the queen, sir," I told the guard. He nodded and moved to the side and the doors opened. 

Before they could kick SIlver out, I quickly walked in front of him "He's my assistant" and I brought Silver inside before he could say anything. The doors shut behind us and I knew we had to actually do this now. Silver started to sweat "I- don't think-" "yes you can stop being afraid- Im going to be doing most of the talking after all" I cut him off as he just sighed and slowly nodded. 

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