7: unexpected meetup (pt 2)

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Last chapter....

Shadow lifted my head up while looking me in the eyes, "you okay? actually" I shook my head while looking around. My eyes widen at a sight of a pink hedgehog standing far away from us but staring directly at us her ears pointed to her head. I sighed while forcing myself to fix my posture.

"Did you see something?" he looked at where I was looking and then growled once he saw Amy. I held his hand tighter making him face me "don't be like that now" I sighed while standing up and stretching, only for the pain to worsen. Shadow grabbed the bags and chaos controlled away and back now empty handed, he picked me up and place me on his back, and left the table walking towards Amy.

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Amy's pov:  (before she saw sonic and shadow)

I ran back into the mall which suddenly filled my ears with a bunch of different types of voices and sounds about whatever, I looked around thinking of where the food court might be. My stomach growled at the thought, haha, I'm pretty glad I still had leftover cash for myself. 

Maybe I should get Blaze something after as a welcome back gift? I nodded happily while dismissing it and following the signs to the food court. The smell of food finally filled my nose as I got closer to it.


I was going to find a food booth to order me some food but I kept hearing the same voices all over again ringing through my ears, I turned my head while my ears tried to detect the location of the sound, I still couldn't find it but I just allowed my ears to listen to it.

I finally had kinda found where they were coming from, but I couldn't see who they were talking to. I just know that they were at a table jumping up and down, some even screaming.

"Omg!" "Can you sign my card?" "Can we get a selfie??" "Im your biggest fan!!" 

I ignored it not wanting to waste my time and began to look for food. 

But once I heard the word Sonic that made my ears perk up, I looked around trying to spot Sonic and maybe talk to him once again. I didn't think I would expect to see Sonic and Shadow about to kiss in the middle of the court, my ears quickly pinned themselves to my skull while my eyes started to tear up. 

Sonic somehow noticed me and he sighed while standing up and Shadow picked him up while walking to me. I wiped my eyes trying to get any tears that were attempting to fall down my face. 

I smiled while waving, "Hey Sonic!⎯⎯ and Shadow" I said while clasping my hands together and pulling my arms down. Sonic got off Shadow's back while he whispered something and he nodded while teleporting away, I gulped knowing now it was only me and Sonic- but isn't this what I wanted? to have a one-on-one conversation? 

"Sorry you had to see that- didn't think you were here" Sonic chuckled nervously while I just looked to the side and answered "it's fine, I just came here to get myself something and Blaze too" I faced back to him and his ears were slightly down, I frowned from the act and that made ears go down too.

"Hey, Sonic," I said while walking closer to him. He looked confused but his eyes widen when I gave him a peck on his cheek " Thanks for changing my life" Sonic just laughed while having a confused look on his face "How did I?" I spoke for him.

"You made me realize that life's not just about chasing your crush and actually spending time with your bestfriend- and friends!" I said putting my hands in front of my face while grinning. "Wow, You're welcome?" I giggled while hugging him, he hugged back "and I love you too..brother" Sonic's ears perked up while his shocked face soon faded into a happy face.

"I knew you'll understand soon enough" Our moment was soon ruined by a sudden sound.


Me and Sonic turned our heads and noticed Shadow standing there holding a bag of clothes I think? I quickly scooted away from Sonic before he got and just allowed Sonic to run over to him.

"Well, cya Ames!" he winked at me and I just smiled back while I just waved to him while winking back and walking away, I noticed that as Shadow and Sonic were walking away Shadow had whispered something that made Sonic blush madly and they soon teleported away Sonic still blushing madly and covered his face. 

Will I ever get that type of love? I asked myself while frowning and walking away. I was about to walk out when I realized that I still had to get something for my best friend Blaze. I ran back inside and looked around trying to find a store that would really fit her.

I noticed that ever since I had gotten that confession with Sonic I've been with Blaze more and now Im starting to feel this weird feeling around her.

I walked inside of a store called 'Cloudies bears ' and they had their entire store filled with stuffed animals of all types, you could even get a custom one- 

Wait..Custom!? I yelled inside my head while walking to the front counter. 

That moment, I knew exactly what I was getting for Blaze. 


Blaze pov: 

I was inside of my castle filling out a couple of paperwork I had to finish. I was humming while writing down whatever I needed letting my thoughts wander.

That was until it reached a certain pink hedgehog, I began to blush while slowly losing concentration. After a minute or two of fighting, I gave up and set my papers aside, and buried my face in my head trying to muffle all my screams.

A knock was heard on my door and I thanked chaos for that and quickly grabbed my stack of papers and a pen while yelling "come in!" A teal hedgehog with yellow eyes and a tiny little crown on her head walked inside holding a white envelope. I set my pen down after 'writing' and looked at her. 

"Hey Teal, what you got for me there?" she placed the envelope on my desk and backed up bowing and began to speak "It was mailed to you, I don't know who the sender is though" I smiled while grabbing it and admiring how nice it was packed.

"Thank you" she nodded while turning around and headed to the door, as soon as the door was closed I began to open it. 

It was a little note with pink hearts and stars written all over it, I smiled as I knew only one person who does that.

To: Blaze

From: Amy! (your best friend :D) 

Hey Blaze, I actually been missing you a lot more ver since you left but you gotta do what you gotta do right? heh, I was just wondering how you were doing since you are a princess and all (you should take me to your castle one day!), and as for me? I've just been staying over at Vanilla's and hanging out with cream. 


I also had gone to the store to get you a little 'welcome back present' for whenever you do come back (tell me when plz!) but when I was there I kinda bumped into Sonic and Shadow and it was actually pretty good, me and Sonic finally worked it out and now I understand what he had meant.

P.S.: I think I already have another crush now, but I can't say yet- I'm too nervous / write me back sometime? it's getting kinda boring without my best friend here to hangout with me :(




I smiled while pushing all the papers aside, grabbing a blank piece of paper, and began to write, still humming the tune I'd been humming since I started writing.

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