9: confession <3

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Last chapter...

( I got out of the carriage while waving goodbye and watching it fade into the distance.

Now I just have to find Amy and finally confess my love to her, and also tell her what's happening of course. )

--- 🌹 --- 

Blaze's POV: 

I walked over to Vanilla's house knowing that's probably where Amy is currently staying at.

Once I made it there, I knocked on the door and what do you know, your best friend opens it for you. "Ye-" Amy turned her head to face me and tears began to fill her eyes, I smiled feeling a bit guilty about her actions "don't cry" Amy hugged me tightly while sobbing.

"I missed you so much! never do that again okay?!" She whispered yelling while getting off and wiping her tears away, she opened the door allowing me access inside, and closed it after.  

Seeing what Amy just did, only made things worse. How am I going to tell her about me having to move away now?

I hope she understands

Amy's POV: 

Blaze had told me that she had to tell me something, so as the amazing best friend I am I sat down on the couch and perked both my ears up telling her that Im listening. 

She began to blush as she looked away, I wonder why? "is something wrong?" I asked and Blaze quickly shook her head "no!" she sighed "just...I don't know how to put it" I began to attempt to comfort her "takes some deep breaths and then say it when you feel like it's time to" she nodded while following my procedures and it somehow...worked? 

"Amy Rose" she grabbed my hand while sitting on her knees, I began to blush madly while my ears went down a bit. "I. Love you" She blushed heavily and I began to blush madly too.

We both just sat there in silence, I was too shocked to even think of any words. 

I always admired blaze as she was my favorite best friend I ever had, she comforts me when Im down, gives me advice, chaos! she even takes me wherever I want to and buys me whatever! I always was so thankful for an amazing friend like her. After she had comforted me when I told her about me and Sonic that's when I immediately began to love her even more, I used to have a tiny crush on her but Sonic was always the one that my heart lead me back to so I would just call it a 'fake crush' and ignore it. 

But now, I know that Sonic is happily with his lover...And I will be too 

"I..love you too" I jumped down to hug her while smiling tears beginning to fill my eyes but I refused to let them take over, Blaze rubbed my back. "Does this mean we're..?" I smiled while kissing her.

"Yes," I winked as I grabbed her hands and intertwined them with mine, and pulled her closer to me hugging her once again.


Me and Blaze were now sitting on the couch together. 

She said that she also had something else to tell me.

"so?" I whispered out making Blaze sigh heavily. "You know how I'm a princess, right?" I nodded slowly wondering where this is going. "Well- I've been absent for a little while and now the queen is asking me if I could take her spot. But knowing that will make me stay inside the castle for the rest of my life" I frowned as my ears drooped down, Blaze noticed and began to try and cheer me up.

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