10: end

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Last chapter...

"Thank you!" Amy bowed her head before running away, Blaze did the same but with the air hug we always did. "Thank you, mom" I smiled greatly while doing it back "your welcome sweetie" and with that.

She ran away to go back home. )

- 👑 -

It's been a few years since Blaze and Amy have moved into the castle fully, The queen officially declared her making Blaze the queen now and everyone (especially amy) was pretty excited- even silver since he is her personal assistant.

But what about Amy? 

Blaze had actually requested the Queen to make her a king so Amy could become the actual Queen, Blaze was relieved that Amy was glad to hear that since she couldn't imagine herself being a Queen when she acts nothing like one. 

Silver soon got over the jealousy he was feeling and began to look for another love, he soon bumped into another guard named Mephiles and you should know how it went from there.

Blaze was pretty happy for Silver finally moving on and even went out to get him and his new boyfriend a gift. Silver blushed and just kept repeating that this was "too much" and "you don't have to do this" but Blaze insisted to help her best friend to stay with his boyfriend. 

He should love him as much as Blaze does with Amy.

But another question still remains.. 

What about the others?

They all accepted Amy and Blaze moving away after Amy fully explained everything. Sonic, Cream, and Vanilla were the most emotional ones not wanting amy and blaze to leave but Amy comforted Sonic into allowing her to go. 

The two finally packed their stuff and were off

The last thing they saw of their friends were all of them waving goodbye to both of them and of course, they waved back while Amy did some heart gestures to 3 specific people. 


"Amy look!" Blaze called out, Amy poke her head inside the door to see what she was doing, Blaze was making a fire shaped heart that soon faded into a mini version of Blaze and Amy hugging each other. Amy began to blush as she smiled "that's so cute!" and she carefully walked over to her not wanting to get burned, The fire soon disappeared after Amy got closer to Blaze and she closed her hand letting all of the sparks of fire disappear. 

"Wanna ask the queen if we could go visit our friends?" Amy asked while Blaze hugged Amy back and stood up "sure"

Amy tugged Blaze's arm and they both ran off to the same room that allowed them to live this life. 

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Yes, I know its short but its something so that counts!

but as always, I hope you enjoyed it because I'm writing this for your entertainment (and mines)

Im probably going to make more blazamy now >:)

ily all and until next time!! 

4/1/23 🤍

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