3: comfort

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- Blaze P.O.V:

I was sitting down on the couch, reading a book about elements that was mainly about fire but I didn't mind. The quietness in my home sent a calming feeling through my body until I had heard the bell ring. I folded the page I was currently on so I wouldn't forget and closed the book placing it on the brown table in front of me and stood up walking to the door.

Who could it be? I stood on my tippy toes trying to peak through the peephole to see who it was before opening it, all I could see were pink quills and there was only one person who I knew that had pink quills. I unlocked the door and swung it halfway open, once I saw Amy I smiled at her. I missed hanging out with her ever since she had spent her time figuring out a way to confront Sonic about her crush on him. 

I felt pretty jealous at first knowing that she had a crush on Sonic but I just had to be happy for her no matter what. Speaking of Sonic, I wonder how it went for her. I noticed that her eyes were red and her face had dried up tears, before I could even speak she ran into my arms and hugged me while crying more, I didn't know what to do so I just hugged her while rubbing circles around her back. That seemed to work because she soon calmed down and moved away. 

She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath in and out and then smiled happily "hey, blaze!" I smiled and waved back "hey I missed you" I grabbed her hand gently and pulled her inside the house closing the door after her. 

"yeah, I did too" She smiled while falling back onto the couch. "Aa~ soft" She giggled while closing her eyes, I blushed but I didn't let her see.

"So, how did things go with you and Sonic?" Amy sat up after I said that and frowned her ears going down. "uhm.." I sat on the couch with her too while hugging her.

"it's okay if you don't want to-" "no no it's fine" Amy quickly responded and I just sat up giving her space. "well, he's dating Shadow now. But he told me that he still loved me as a sister and that I will find my true love someday" I smiled at the kindness of his words.

I wish it was me... "Well, I know that you will find them soon!" I said while smiling brightly, she smiled back while laughing, and I tilted my head "what's so funny?" Amy shook her head "I still can't believe that Shadow actually managed to make Sonic date hi-" "Amy." She stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Look, I know you still love Sonic but he doesn't love you back the same wa-" "I know that!" She huffed and crossed her arms looking away, I sighed.

"That's now what Im saying.." I turned her around to make her face me while fiddling with my fingers after "you just need to move on with him and focus on life now, not Sonic. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I just needed to let you know.." Amy looked at me with wide eyes of hurt before closing them and sighing loudly "okay.." 

I grinned. "thanks blaze, you sure do know how to cheer somebody up" I shrugged "that's what I do" and chuckled after. 

I lifted one of Amy's hands up which caused her to blush a little "how about we go out to eat and hangout? you seem like you need it" I winked after laughing and Amy stood up still holding my hand and squealing "let's do it then!" 

I opened the door and then closed it locking it after Amy got out and followed her to the first place she wanted to go to which was a cafe.

I looked at Amy, she seemed so cheerful and independent all the time. I really wish that she doesn't get sad anytime soon again, it just breaks my heart t see her down.

Maybe this could be the start...

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A Blazamy story ♡Where stories live. Discover now