5: lover teller

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*I got this idea from a book I read!

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Authors P.O.V:

Amy and Blaze stopped in front of a big amusement park. Blaze looked up and read the sign, "Twinkle park" she mumbled to herself before looking back at Amy. "I used to take Sonic here," she said while looking where all the rides were remembering all the times she and Sonic would hangout here.

"but he didn't really want to hangout with me..." She whispered quietly while her ears started to droop down, Blaze felt bad for the pink hedgehog so she gave her hand a tight squeeze "Well, you have me now and I promise we can have as much fun as you want" Amy looked up while her lips grew into a smile and hugged Blaze "thank you!" "anytime".

They both walked inside and got on some of the rides, after a while they sat down while eating some icecream.

Amy noticed a little tent and walked closer to it curious, Blaze did the same only because she wanted to see what the other was doing. "Lover teller?" Blaze spoke after reading the sign, Amy squealed in excitement "its like a fortune teller except they tell you who your lover is!!" She took Blazes arm and thye both crawled into the tent.

A white cat like blaze was there, except she had a pink dress on and wore a little light pink hat on her head. Amy grabbed one of the chairs and sat on it, Blaze did the same. "Hello?" Amy asked, The cat lifted her head up. "oh! visiters hello!" Blaze waved slightly while Amy waved smliing "so, your a lover teller?" Amy asked "correct" she nodded "Tell me who my lover is!!" Amy pratically yelled out of excitement. The white cat nodded while turning her attention towrads Blaze.

"what about you? you havent been speaking" Blaze just nodded "I would like to know too" She nodded while moving her hands around the crystal infront of her, she lifted one of her fingers and pointed to herself signalling Amy to come closer. Amy looked into the ball and noticed a cloud of purple, she blushed knowing she knew only one person who was purple.

"Your lover is someone you already know, they are protective, fierce, confident, and most of all, they already have a connetction with you. You should be able to figure out who it is pretty easily" Amy nodded while smiling "mhm!" Blaze took her spot in the chair and leaned over. The aura of purple soon turned into a shade of pink, Blaze blushed aswell "Your lover is someone you also know. But they already have a connection with someone that is really hard to break, but knowing you, you would probally be able to break it if you put your mind to it" Blaze raised a brow.

"How do you know who I am?" The cat chuckled "oh blaze, this isnt just some normal crystal ball you see for sale, if I know who your inlove with I ofcourse have to know about you too" Blaze shurgged while mumbling "fair enough" And she took her spot out of the chair.

"May I show you an example of how amazing your love would be once you two find your lovers?" the cat asked while intertwing her fingers into eachother and setting them on the table, both nodded while crouching back down.

She waved her hands back over the ball and it soon faded into a cloud of blue and red.

Amy gasped while Blaze eyes widen a bit seeing that. "Isnt that..." "Sonic and Shadow, correct" she asnwered while snapping her fingers making the ball fade into a image of Sonic and Shadow cuddling asleep and soon fading back into the cloud of blue and red. "if you two manage to find them and figure out your lover for them then your love would be unbreakable, kinda like these 2" Amy clasped her hands togheter her eyes sparkling in excitement and nodded repeatly.

"Thank you again!" Amy said while crawling out the tent leaving Blaze, "goodluck Blaze" The cat spoke "if it wasnt already obvious. your lover is Amy she just doesnt know yet" Blaze blushed madly "I know.." Blaze spoke quielty "hmm?" The cat hummed in responce, "I already knew I had a crush on Amy, I just never knew how to tell her" and with that she crawled out of the tent.

Amy was watching all the other rides until she finally turned around noticing Blaze by her side. "what took you so long?" Amy asked, Blaze just shurgged "she just wanted to tell me something" and she grabbed Amys hand while taking her to a stuff animal booth.

Amy was pretty happy so she grabbed a ring and gave it to the mobian while playing the game, but sadly she kept losing. After a while the mobian started to laugh at Amy "what kind of skills do you have? you absolutly suck!" Amy ears pinned to her head while tears started to fill her eyes, Blaze noticed this and grew a tint of anger inside he from the sudden event.

She walked towards Amy "hey, its okay how about you go to the bathroom and calm down?" Amy nodded while running away. Blaze turned around, her golden eyes burning in anger. She made a ball of fire appear in her hands before walking onto the counter of the table "If you dont want your body to be burnt to a crisp then I advise you hand over one of those and apolozgie." She spoke while the ball contiued to grow more. The mobian cowered in fear, "alright fine! which one" Blaze still kept her ball of fire while looking up.

"That one" She pointed to a pink bear stuff animal that had a little heart on the chest of it, The mobian quickly grabbed it while throwing it to Blaze. Since Blaze didnt like that attidue she got off and walked away a bit befroe throwing the ball of fire toward the stand causeing it to burst into flames and the mobain started to scream in terror, Blaze just smiled while walking to find Amy.

She was on a bench still crying, Blaze hid the bear behind her and walked to her sitting down beside her. Amy hugged Blaze while sobbbing more, Blaze didnt know what to do so she just hugged her back while softly placing the bear infront of Amy.

Amy felt a ball of fur on her thigh so she let go and noticed a stuff bear infront of her, She looked back up at Blaze who was smiling. She grabbed the bear while hugging it tightly bawling her eyes out.

"h-how..?" Blaze just smirked "I have my ways" Amy laughed while standing up "Thanks Blaze, this means alot to me" Blaze stood up also "your welcome amy" and she walked past the bench on the other side to where Amy was and hugged her before walking out the park.

The white cat smiled while watching the 2 from her crystal ball, The aura of purple and pink growing a tad bit closer.

"Your lovers fierce" She spoke remembering her exact words.

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