1: unexpected news

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Authors POV: 

Amy was walking to a certain home carrying a basket of chilidogs she had made for her crush, Sonic. She has been debating on if she should finally confess her feelings to Sonic or not, what was holding her back was the fear of Sonic not liking her back.

Yeah, Sonic may run away from her whenever she came running to him but Amy just believes that he was too nervous to actually express his true feelings for the pink hedgehog so that was his only solution. To anyone else it may sound like a stupid excuse but to Amy, she believed with all her heart that Sonic just didn't have the words to tell her. 

Gripping the basket extra tightly, Amy could feel the excitedness in her body flood through her and she started to smile even more thinking of Sonic saying the words she has been dreaming of hearing since the day she laid eyes on the hero. 

"I love you too Amy" 

Seeing Sonic's house fade into her sight she skipped happily toward it still daydreaming of her and Sonic becoming lovers and going on dates, falling asleep watching a movie, and more. Amy could feel the heat spread across her face as she pictured Sonic and her cuddling to sleep falling asleep on one of her favorite movies, quickly shaking her head and blinking multiple times Amy continued her walk.

Once she appeared in front of the blue door she raised her shaking fist and softly knocked on it. 

She heard shuffling and groaning coming from the other side of the door and her left ear perked up higher curious of the sounds. She raised her fist to knock again but before she could the door swung open revealing someone she definitely least expected to see at Sonic's house.

"Shadow!? what are you doing at sonics house?" Amy asked gripping the basket tighter and narrowing her eyes. 

"did sonic not tell you?" Shadow asked raising a brow, Amy tilted her head slightly in confusion before shaking her head earning a groan from Shadow. But before she could speak another sentence the door was closed in her face leaving her shocked but also annoyed, she just wanted to give sonic chilidogs and maybe confess her love to him and whatever else to happen.

Speaking of love, Amy wondered why Shadow was even at Sonic's house. The last thing Amy remembered was that Sonic and Shadow hated each other and always were tempted to fight the other whenever they had the chance to, or better yet when they saw each other. 

But, yesterday when they were at the café Sonic seemed to be more closer to Shadow and actually not trying to fight him. The same thing goes for Shadow, whenever he was around Sonic he was always more calm and seemed to become nicer to the azure hedgehog without anyone knowing- well except Amy of course. 

This only left Amy with one question. 

Did Sonic like Shadow? '

Amy shook her head off the thought quickly dismissing it, Of course he doesn't! he would never fall for someone like Shadow- who would anyway?

Amy quickly snapped out of her daze once her eyes were met with emeralds, Sonic smiled at the pink hedgehog while waving "hey Ames! what brings you over here?" Amy smiled finally able to look at her crush or lover once more and talk to him once again. "nothing, just wanted to bring some treats and talk to you about something maybe.." She twirled her quills around her finger nervously while blushing. Sonic seemed confused by the act but didn't pay no mind to it, "sure!" he opened the door wider letting Amy walk in before closing the door and locking it back.

Amy looked around the place admiring it as she has never been inside before, that was until her gaze met a ruby one. Amy looked away nervously while walking to the kitchen and placing the basket on the counter where the scent of chili was still fresh and drew the azure hedgehog to it more. 

"I decided to make you some chilidogs!" Amy said excitedly "really!? thanks Ames!" Sonic hugged his best friend making Amy blush more and smile from the act of her crush but just replied with a simple "your welcome" and took the chilidogs out of the basket placing them on a plate.

"hey, Shadz! you should taste one" Sonic said running to the black and red striped hedgehog who was simply laying on the couch with his legs on the armrest and his head on a pillow daydreaming about whatever. Sonic shook Shadow which made his ruby eyes snap open, Amy noticed that it seemed like he was going to murder whoever woke him up but once he realized it was just Sonic he just groaned while rubbing his face.

"what do you want faker?" Sonic only responded by grabbing his hands and looking at him his emerald eyes sparkling with excitement. "Come and try a chilidog with me!" Shadow looked at Sonic and then back at their hands before blushing "why-" "cmon shadow!" Sonic frowned while looking at the ebony hedgehog.

Shadow only rolled his eyes before mumbling "fine" and he pulled his hands away and stood up, Sonic clapped his hands and jumped up excitedly before calming down.

Amy could only clench her fist and frown at the sight before her, why are they acting like this toward each other? aren't they supposed to be fighting? why was Shadow blushing? why was sonic even holding his hand? 

All these questions only made Amy madder and want to smack the life out of the ebony hedgehog with her hammer. 

But as soon as the two came walking to the kitchen Amy immediately calmed down and just smiled trying to let her temper not get the best of her. Sonic and Shadow sat down while Amy grabbed 2 plates and placed a chilidog on each of them before walking to their table and setting them down.

"Thanks, ames!" Sonic responded grinning "you're welcome sonic." And Amy turned to walk back to the kitchen to get her something to drink.

But when she was done she quickly went to see what was going on between the two "rivals".

"cmon shadz just try it!" Sonic frowned while taking a bite of his chilidog and smiling at the amazing taste. "amazing like always"

Shadow looked at the food in front of him carefully before picking it up and taking a bite. His eyes widen at the taste.

"this is...good?" Shadow replied before smiling.

"I told you! Amy always makes the best ones" Sonic smiled wiping the rest off his tan muzzle with a napkin.

 As Amy observed the two her ears went down a bit and she started to frown while clenching her fist tightly feeling her hammer could appear any minute now.

' Something is up with those two. '

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