6: unexpected meetup

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It's been a few weeks ever since the two hedgehogs went to the tent and found their 'soulmates'. Blaze was called from the sol kingdom to attend an adventure they were going too, Amy had pleaded her to stay but Blaze, as a princess, couldn't deny anything that includes her duty to protect the castle so she had to go no matter how much she didn't want to.

Amy was now alone without her best friend for chaos knows long so she decided to stay over at Cream and Vanilla's until Blaze came back. 

The both of them had greatly accepted her invitation and welcomed her in while Vanilla continued to pay her to watch over Cream when she couldn't. Amy had told her many times that she can't accept the money no matter how hard Vanilla (and Cream) would try and convince her. 

Amy just laid around with the little kid images and memories of her and her ex-crush flooding back into her mind, Amy shook her head not wanting to think about Sonic right now. 

Speaking of Sonic, how about we check up on the two now?

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Sonic Pov: 

I sat up in my bed stretching while feeling a pair of hands grip my waist tightly pulling me back down, I whined while trying to sit back up "Shadz cmon.." I whined while struggling out of his grip, he growled while pulling me closer to him, I just sighed and laid back down while playing with his fluffy fur.

"fluffy~" I cooed while poking it and smiling, Shadow started to blush and I grinned while stopping and moving up to his face. "You're finally up," I said while playfully pouting, he just rolled his eyes and sat up pulling me up with him "I was already up, I just didn't feel like getting up" he kissed my forehead while standing up and stretching.

I groaned while picking up a pillow and playfully throwing it at him.

"Doesn't explain why I couldn't get up, jerk!" I said crossing my arms. He huffed while smirking and grabbing the pillow and walking towards me, I raised a brow wondering what he was about to do. 

Shadow placed the pillow behind my back and pushed me back on the bed making me land on the soft pillow, "I didn't want you to leave my side" he said while frowning his ears going down just a bit. I laughed while getting up and putting the pillow back up and fixing the bed, "your so sweet" I hugged him before going out of the room and into the kitchen.

Shadow followed me down and hugged my waist while closing his eyes and resting his chin on my shoulder, I just rolled my eyes while pulling my phone out and opening an app, As soon as I did an idea came to my mind making my ears perk up. 

"We should go on a date!!" I said while squealing, Shadow's ears perked up as well as he immediately picked his head up and his eyes widen. "W-what?" I smirked while showing him a diner I found on the internet. 

"Look!, Emerald's diner. 5 stars and it's only 5 minutes away!" I said while handing him the phone. He looked at it again observing the screen and handed me the phone while teleporting away, I frowned while huffing and crossing my arms. After a few seconds, Shadow still wasn't back so I just turned around and walked inside getting myself a chilidog.

I got the chilidog and placed it in the microwave to warm it back up, setting it on for a minute I pressed the start button and it started to spin. 

"-ou" My ears twitched while turning around and noticing that Shadow was back. "where did you go?" I asked while walking to him. "I went to book our table" I smiled while hugging him "when?" "5pm" I giggled while jumping around "your such a child.." he murmured under his breath, I stopped and turned around "hey! I heard that!" I frowned while crossing my arms playfully.

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