4: flashbacks

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Amy and blaze went to a buffet where they ate some very good food and then proceeded to go to a bunch of stores and shop (mainly Amy) but Blaze didn't mind paying for her and the items that she did get from there, she actually enjoyed being around her bestfriend, Amy. Amy also liked finally being able to hangout with Blaze once again. 

Once they were done with that, Amy had gotten a phone call from Vanilla asking her to watch cream while she was gone to visit someone. Of course, Amy said yes, she would never miss any opportunity to watch the little sweet one, She had asked Blaze if she wanted to come and help and blaze shrugged, meaning that she didn't mind. So Amy quickly ran quickly inside to buy some more stuff for cream and then they walked to the house.

The three of them all had fun, especially during dress-up time, Cream had dressed Blaze up in a purple and white suit with a bow on the side of her head while Amy was dressed up in a pink and white dress. Amy had asked her what this was representing and Cream just said "I just like dressing you two up!" and she giggled while placing another bow on the other side of her head. Blaze just sat there and watched the girl in front of her while struggling not to blush madly.

Once they were done, Cream both pushed the two in front of each other while smiling "do you like it?" they both looked at eachother and then back at cream "I love it, blaze you look so pretty!" Amy said while smiling and giving the purple cat a hug "thanks.." she murmured while smiling and nodding at Cream who smiled gently and walked toward them. "alright you guys can take it off now if you want. Im going to go and get cheese!" and she ran down a different hall.

2 hours later...

Vanilla finally came home and was impressed to see cream in bed. Amy and Blaze were passed out on the couch, Blaze actually laying on the couch and Amy resting her head in her lap while quietly purring from the comfort.

Vanilla smiled, she quietly pulled out some cash while setting it on the table along with a written note and walked down the hall and opened the door to creams room, and saw her peacefully sleeping. She walked towards her while kissing her forehead goodnight and walking out leaving the door cracked open and walked to her room to shower and do whatever she had to do tonight. 

Everyone in the house was soon fast asleep within another hour.


Blaze was the first to wake up, she blinked numerous times before finally opening her eyes all the way and closing them from the sudden sunlight blinding her eyes, after a whole 2 minutes of opening and closing her eyes she finally adjusted and noticed that the sunlight was coming from a window by the front door. Normally, she would get up and close the blinds but then she realized something- or someone was keeping her from doing that.

She looked down and saw that Amy had her head on her lap and was basically laying on top of her while smiling and purring, Blaze blushed hard at the scene and tried to carefully and softly push her off but she felt bad whenever she tried so she just sat there waiting for anyone else to wake up.

After 30 minutes of waiting and falling back to sleep. Amy finally opened her eyes and her eyes shot open once she realized the position she was in, she blushed while scooting away and praying that Blaze didn't see her like this.

But she was wrong.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Blaze asked worriedly after noticing the now red hedgehog who was blushing even harder.

"Did..you see me..like that?" Amy asked quietly while looking away, blaze scooted over to her and hugged her to calm her down "hey it's no big deal, I didn't mind" Amy smiled while hugging her back.

After she calmed down, Amy stood up while walking to the table by the couch and realized that there was money on the counter, she picked the note up first and began to read.

Thanks for taking care of her <3 here your reward

- Vanilla 

She smiled while placing the note down and grabbed the cash splitting it and giving the rest to Blaze who looked at her confused "this was for us taking care of cream" Amy said hoping that will clear something up.

Blaze shook her head "You can have it, I don't need it anyway" Amy whined "not even some of it?" she hated having all the money when it came to situations like this, she always believed that it made her greedy. "Nope, not any. Thanks for the offer though" she smiled while walking and picking up the note and grabbed a pen from the drawer and wrote something done and set the note back down while putting the pen back up.

Amy walked out the door while breathing and out getting the smell of the fresh air. 

Blaze walked over to her "since you have money now, do you want to spend it?" Amy stopped in her tracks while thinking. "not all of it but sure!" she had gotten the idea of who she was going to give the rest to.

She grabbed Blaze's hand and sped into wherever they were going. 


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