How It Started

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Bilbo Baggins was just sitting down ready for supper when there was a knock on his door.

"No visitors, travellers or charity is welcomed here.."

"Gandalf sent me.."

Bilbo looked utterly bewildered and opened the door. He was a funny looking fellow, he had rough hair and beard and bushy, thick eybrows that almost curled above his eyes. He walked in and sat down. Bilbo closed the door but as suddenly as the first knock, came a second. Bilbo opened the door and it was another funny looking man. This one had long, blonde hair and behind him, Bilbo could only imagine, was his brother.

"Fili and Kili, at your service!" They said

"W.. who are you?" Said Bilbo, quite shocked.

"Fili and Kili. We just said." Said the blonde one.

"Were dwarves!" Said the other.

"Ah! Bombur! How are you?" Said the blonde one.

"Fili! I am very good! And how about you? And you aswell Kili!"

"We are both very well!" Said Fili and Kili.

They walked inside and started a conversation with Bombur, the other dwarf.

Around 9 more dwarves walked through and eventually Gandalf did.

"There is one more visitor that should be here any moment Bilbo.." he said

"Another one?! How many are there?"

"13 of them. Of course there is only 12 at the moment; Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur."

"Who's the other on-" said Bilbo, but he was cut off by another knock on the door.

The room went silent as Bilbo opened the door to reveal yet another dwarf. This one was much taller than the rest, he had long black hair and his hands were covered with rings with all sorts of gems. Bilbo could clearly tell the was a lot of respect for him from the other dwarves judging on the fact they went silent when he walked through the door.

"Thorin" whispered Gandalf in Bilbo's ear.

Thorin nodded his head and walked into Bilbo's house and sat down like the rest of the dwarves.

The dwarves sang songs and told tales of adventures and something called the lonely mountain.

"What's the lonely mountain?" Said Bilbo curiously.

"My dear Bilbo. It is what was taken from us from the dragon Smaug. It was once our home. Erebor." Said Balin.

"Yes, that's why we are all here." Added Thorin "We came to ask if you could be our burglar. Sign this contract to join the company."

"What is it that you want me to steal?" Said Bilbo

"The arkenstone, the heart of the mountain."

"I see. Well I have a decision by morning, I'm sure."

"Very well. Help clean the plates up"

And suddenly the dwarves burst into action, throwing and catching plates. Bowls were spinning across the table. As suddenly as it's started, everything was ready to be washed up or ready to put away. Bilbo was absolutely stunned. He looked around and found that no plates were broken or chipped. The night went on and in the morning, Bilbo agreed to sign the contract and set off with the dwarves to the lonely mountain.

They fought goblins and giant spiders, slept in caves and even came across some wood elves. They were locked up and they even stayed at a skin shifter's house.

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