The Battle of Five Armies

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The next day, there was a battle brewing. A raging storm of death and anguish. An ocean of blood and mud. The battle horns sounded over the hills, a rumbling could be heard in the distance. It all went quiet until giant worms burst through the ground.

"Were-Worms" said Gandalf.

The earth eaters tunneled back into the ground as the orc's cries filled the air. Thorin ordered they build a wall as the gates were broken. The orcs came galloping out of the tunnels and lined up outside the mountain. Their battle cries filled the air as they bashed their weapons and armour against the ground making an ear splitting noise. Bilbo's ears were deafened with a constant ringing and could barley here anything Thorin and the others were shouting. He put his hand against the hilt of Sting and pulled it out slightly. A hand grasped his shoulder and turned to see Thorin giving a worried but reassuring smile. He could hug and kiss Thorin till his dying breth but though better of it. Thorin was clearly thinking the same thing as he squeezed Bilbo's shoulder. The horns sounded once again but this time it was from the mountain. Dain's army came charging down the steps toward the orcs. The battle has commenced. The company followed and before they knew it, they were slicing and stabbing orc after orc. Thorin pulled Bilbo aside to ask him to go with Gandalf to the ruins of Dale. Bilbo reluctantly agreed and hurried away. Thorin had noticed the pale orc atop an abandoned watch tower and grabbed his nephews and Dwalin. Bilbo noticed as they used goats to clump up the stuff terrain.

"What are they doing, Gandalf?" He said

"He's taking his best fighters. Bilbo, it's a trap. Bolg's army is coming from the north."

"Which way is north exactly?"

"Ravenhill. Where Thorin is."

"I'm going to warn him.."

"No you are not. I won't allow it."

"I'm not asking you to allow it, Gandlaf."

And with that, Bilbo ran towards Ravenhill to warn Thorin about the other army. He ran as fast as he could and by the time he got there, he could hardly speak.

"Bilbo, what are you doing? Go back! Before you get killed." Insisted Thorin

"Thorin...there'!" Said Bilbo between breaths.


"It's a trap! Thorin, this is what Azog wants. This was his plan!"

Another horn sounded and more banging of spears and swords against shields.

"They are coming.. hurry!" Said Bilbo hastily.

"Dwalin take Bilbo back down the mountain to Gandalf. Fili, Kili, help him." Thorin addressed.

"What about you? We can't leave you here!"

"Dear Bilbo, Azog wants my head. I'd like to see him try and get it."

"No! Thorin, please!"

"Bilbo.. Go back. For me"

Bilbo did as he said but near the bottom of the hill, all 4 were ambushed by a stray pack of orcs. They were all separated and Bilbo was left being pushed back up the stairs swing his sword wherever he could. An orc knocked him on the head with the handle of his axe and left him for dead. Bilbo fell unconcious as he hut the floor hard. Sting fell out of his hand on to the floor beside him.

In the distance, another army had come. The elves. They helped the dwarves and killed more orcs in 5 minutes than were killed in 20 minutes.

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