Thranduil and Bard

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The next day, Thorin and Bilbo were in the throne room when Kili came running in.

"There' army.." he said out of breath "outside!"

"What.." Thorin almost knocked Bilbo over as he got up. He started toward the balcony and grabbed Bilbos wrist. Kili looked at them suspiciously but shrugged it off. They got to the balcony where there were two armies outside the gates of Erebor. One was an elf army and the other was of men.

"King Thorin, I have come to collect the jewels you took from me." Said the elf at the front

"I have come for our share of the treasure you promised" Said the man who Bilbo recognised as Bard from Lake-Town.

"I owe you nothing." Thorin said through gritted teeth

"You gave us your word" replied Bard.

Thorin scowled at Thranduil and Bard then looked at Bilbo. He looked disappointed in Thorin. Afterall, he did give Lake-Town his word.

"Very well. I will send food and supplies down to your campsite. And I suppose you can have your jewels back" elf scum he added under his breath. Bilbo looked at Thorin, his face covered with approval. Thorin felt a little better about himself. The three went back into the mountain and Thorin asked Kili to ask other dwarves to bring supplies do the people of Lake-Town and Kili did so. Later that evening, Ganfalf had joined them from his business in Rivendell. Thorin and Gandalf started to talk about something that Bilbo didn't fully hear.

"Thorin, something bad is about to happen. This is very serious"

"Gandalf I understand that. But why should I help Thranduil of all people? Why should I ask him if he will help me?"

"Because without him you stand no chance against them. Even with Dain's army."

"Army? Against who?" Bilbo interrupted.

"Against Azog. The army is my cousin Dain's. I sent a carrier crow to ask for help. Azog wants my head." Answered Thorin. He gritted his teeth as he said the last part.

"I agree with Gandalf then. You should get help from Mirkwood. It's the best hope you have, especially if Az... What's his name wants you dead"

"Azog, and I suppose your both right. I'll ask him. I promise" Thorin added when Gandalf gave him a serious look.

During the rest of supper Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf discussed Azog and his army. A few others joined and before they knew it, the whole company were getting prepared for a battle.

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