Azog the Defiler

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Thorin was not aware of what was happening to Bilbo and the others at the time. All he knew was that Azog was lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce like a lion chasing it's prey. Thorin was careful of his footing not wanting to accidently break a twig and alert the pale orc of his whereabouts..

"I know you're there. I know your scheme. I'm no dull dwarf!"

Thorin could here a rumble of a voice. The orcish murmuring of Azog.

"Jiak liwo drepa lat, thorin oakenshield. Jiak liwo diminish ul line ro durin."

"I speak no orcish but I know that you will not be killing anyone today. Not ever!"

"Foolish vok. Jiak liwo drepa anyone shal my adog ve ek ve lat!"

Suddenly, a mace came swinging out from a corner almost knocking Thorin's arm clean off. Luckily, he moved out of the way just in time and swing his own sword at the darkness. A face could now be seen, there was an ugly smile. Azog was tall and had scars all over his body. However, he looked the least deformed of all orcs apart from the missing forearm. Thorin himself had cut it off in the battle of Moria. It was now a large metal pole with what looked like claws on the end.

They swung swords and maces at eachother eventually leading them to a frozen over lake. Azog's mace swung at the floor and it cracked slightly. Thorin had an idea, he circled Azog to make a circle of cracks. He did it a second time to reassure that it would break. He jumped on the inside where Azog was and ran towards him. The weight of both of them tipped the ice plate. Thorin ran back to the otherwise as to not fall in. Azog fell into the icy water but took a breath first. He closed his eyes and let himself float underneath the ice whilst Thorin followed him. Azog opened his eyes and stabbed through the ice into Thorins foot. He punched and kicked the ice to break free and lunged at Thorin.

They were both near the edge of the waterfall now and both nearly kept falling or being knocked off but managed to lunge forward just in time to not fall. Azog saw an opportunity whilst Thorin regained his balance and aimed for the heart. He miss and sliced his arm instead. They did not know how long this went on for but now Azog was holding Thorin on the ground raising his sword. Thorin took the opportunity and raised his own sword. Before the orc could even lower his sword, he was impaled and fell to the ground beside Thorin. The dwarf collapsed to catch his breath. He looked at his foot which was bleeding non stop. His arm was just as bad but atleast it wasn't sliced off. It was a deep cut but it didn't cause enough damage to not be able to use it. It hurt a lot and he could barely walk.

He though back to only yesterday when himself and Bilbo were laughing and having fun. But now he didn't know where his beloved Bilbo was. He assumed he managed to get back to Gandalf and started for the mountain.

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