The Sickness

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They could only watch as Smaug sent Lake-Town a blaze. They did not know how long they watched and worried over Kili, Fili, Oin and Bofur, all they knew was, after what felt like hours, the dragon screamed in agony and fell on top of Lake-Town.

"He's dead! He's finally dead!" Balin shouted.

They did not realise that Thorin had already gone. He went down to the treasure to seek for the arkenstone. Little did he know Bilbo had it. They all realised he was gone and went searching for him, eventually Bifur found him in the treasury.

"I wish for you to search for the arkenstone. Everyone save Balin and Bilbo." Thorin said.

"I want to search, I want to help, Thorin" replied Bilbo.

"No, I want you to come with me"

Bilbo followed Thorin to the throne room. Thorin sat down and stared, he didn't say anything or do anything. All he did was ask Bilbo to stand next to him. Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. Everyday Bilbo would be on Thorin's right while he sat on the throne. He would only let Bilbo leave for his 7 meals a day, breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. Bilbo didn't know why, but got bored of it after the second day. Thorin decided to send Balin to look for the stone and Fili, Kili, Oin and Bofur when they eventually arrived. Everyone was looking for the arkenstone except Bilbo and he didn't know why. Bilbo was sat on a bench looking at the acorn that he picked up in Beorn's garden when Tgorin appeared.

"What's that?" Thorin demanded

"Oh nothing.." Bilbo replied.

"Show me, what is it!" He grabbed Bilbo's hand.

"'s just an acorn.. I picked it up in Beorn's garden.. I was going to plant it in my garden back in Bag End so it reminds me of our adventure everyone I look at it."

"Poor prize to take back to the shire" Thorin smiled as he walked closer.

"Well, I think it's quite nice. Aswell as my fourteenth share of the treasure."

Thorin's face lit up for a moment, then a dark cloud covered his face.

"I wish they would find the arkenstone" he said.

"It's a lot of pressure, you don't let them leave unless it's for food. Same with me. You only let me go from the throne room for my meals. It getting boring, Thorin. The others are exhausted."

"I want the arkenstone."

"Do you not see the misery you cause them? They don't speak, all they do is eat and look for that damned stone! They are bored out of there minds, beacuse of you!" Bilbo shouted. "I...I'm sorry... I didn't....m..mean to shout. I'm sorry"

"I... Cause them misery? I don't... I mean.." Thorin stuttered as the shadow hanging over this face lifted slightly.

"Thorin, it's ok... I know you don't mean it. It's not you who's making them do it. You aren't yourself. It's the arkenstone, it's driving you to madness."

"Bilbo... I... I'm sorry. For making you stand next to me for hours."

"Thorin, it's OK." Bilbo interrupted.

"Bilbo... There.. is a reason.. to... Why I make you stand there. I bring you there to tell you but I can't."

"Tell me what, Thorin? Why can't you tell me?"

"Bilbo... Over the course of this journey, I have come to see who you really are. You're a loving, caring, kind hobbit who saved my life. I always though of you as a burglar until you saved me in the goblin caves.. since then you mean more to me. Bilbo, I like you."

"I like you too, your the best friend I've had in a very long tim-"

"No, Bilbo. You are more than a friend to me."

"I.. wha... Really? I never... But.. I'm a...."

Thorin hushed Bilbo and looked him in the eyes. Bilbo had a sudden urge to kiss Thorin. He never stopped to think of what Tgorin meant to him, and now that he did, he thought of him as more than a friend too. He was loyal, determined and stubborn. But when he wanted to be, he was kind-hearted and warm. The impulse took over his body and so did Thorin's. They drew closer until Thorin rapped his arms around Bilbo and leaned in even closer. Bilbo looked up into Thorin's eyes and kissed him. He though that it could go on for hours but it's not like he could breathe through his ears. They parted for air and stared for a while.

"I'm sorry again Bilbo. The only reason why I kept you in the throne room was because I wanted to tell you that I love you. I could never bring myself to it. And of course, I couldn't let you starve, could I?"

"It's ok, Thorin. I understand."

Bilbo then remembered the arkenstone but thought against giving it to Thorin at that moment. He decided to leave for lunch as he was setting hungry and came across Balin leaning against a wall around the corner.

"Good job, it's about time someone knocked some sense into him."

" much did... You hear?"

"Not a lot, but enough to know that he's almost his normal self again" Balin winked.

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