Misty Mountains

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Bilbo had found that rather odd but continued to slowly walk next to Thorin down the corridors of Erebor. His legs started aching so they made their way to the food hall for some luncheon.

The tables were long and had food being put on them as they walked in. The scent of jam on toast and eggs and sausages filled the air. Thorin led Bilbo to a table full of biscuits and fruit as he knew it was his favourite.

Bilbo sat down and began to fill his plate, a few members of the company came to see how he was doing and talked about what he had miss around the mountain.

The remaining dwarves from the Iron Hills and Blue Mountains returned to Erebor and from other lost dwarf civilisations. The dwarves rightful home was finally theirs again after 60 years.

Once Bilbo had finished his plate of food, he stood up and went for a walk. He thought about how the company would react if they found out about him and Thorin. Then he came to his senses and told himself it was only if they found out, not when. Of course, they will have to be told at some point in time, but that time is not now.

The fresh air brushed against his face as he walked out onto the balcony like cold water being poured onto him. A small shiver coursed along his spine as he took a few more steps to the balcony railings. He took out his pipe and lit some Old Toby.

As he smoked his pipe, he remembered when the dwarves first visited his hobbit hole. He chuckled to himself when he remembered that the company he had come to love so much was throwing plates and singing songs. One of his favourites was the song about the Misty Mountains. he tried his best to remember the words and sung them to himself.

He heard shuffling feet behind him but decided to ignore it and keep singing in a low whisper. A hand touched his shoulder and the deep voice of Thorin Oakenshield joined in. He shuffled closer to his beloved dwarf and finished the song. He smiled to Thorin and hugged him.

"I remember before you came to my home. Before I met you. Now I can't imagine life with out you and the others."

"It's hard to believe we've come this far, love."

"It is. But what will happen if I don't go back? I'm sure the Sackville-Baggins' will take off with my belongings or move in."

"We can go back there to check on everything. unless you want to go back and stay?"

"I don't know. I think I'll stay with you. Hobbiton can survive without Bilbo Baggins living there. I would like to go back and get some things though."

"Of course, my love. But who will look after your hobbit hole?"

"I'm sure my brother Drogo won't mind."

"Very well. We can leave tomorrow and be there by the summer. We have carts and the trading routes aren't as dangerous so it won't take as long to get there"

At this point, it was very early spring and Bilbo didn't mind another adventure. As long as he didn't have to go through Mirkwood or anywhere like that. He didn't fancy fighting giant spiders or packs of orcs again.

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