I Love You

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As Balin walked down the corridor and out of sight, Thorin grabbed Bilbo's hand and took him down a few corridors until they reached the other side of the mountain. No one else was around here so it was the perfect place for a nice talk. They both sat down on a bench and stared at eachother for a few minutes. Thorins ocean blue eyes stared at Bilbo and his bright, grass green eyes. They did not know how long passed until Thorin broke the silence.

"Bilbo. Are you okay? You look pale."

"Oh I'm more than okay. Just a bit hungry, that's all."

"Do you want to go get food?"

"That would be nice."

Thorin got up from the small stone bench but Bilbo grabbed his hand.

"Before we leave, I want to say something." Bilbo said

"Go ahead.." Thorin replied slightly worried.

"I love you"

Thorin went to say something but no words came out. Bilbo felt embarrassed so let go of Thorin's hand and burried his face in them.

"I love you too. How could I not?"

"You do? You mean it?"

"Of course I mean it, Bilbo. How could anyone not love you. You are caring, sweet, a little bit stubborn at times but that's what makes you, you. It's who you are Bilbo. I love you for it."

Bilbo pulled Thorin into a kiss that seemed to last forever. When air beacme a problem, Bilbo got up from the bench and intertwined both of their hands as they walked back through the mountain to get lunch.

They arrived at the food hall at the same time as the rest of the company. A few dwarves shot them questioning looks but shrugged it off. They sat down and began to eat until Gloin shouted out that there was yet another army on the horizon. Thorin's face lit up as he knew exactly who they were. He grabbed Bilbo's hand and dragged him to the gates of Erebor where a giant hoard of dwarves were making their way over the nearby hills. Bilbo saw a smile grow on Thorin's face as his cousin Dain came into sight. Bilbo could only assume that Dain was the one at the front riding a hog whilst the rest of the dwarves behind him were the Iron Hills dwarves. Dain got to the steps of the mountain and greeted Thorin with an embrace that held years of being apart. He noticed Bilbo as he pulled away from Thorin.

"So this must be the burglar, Bilbo Baggins. It do be a pleasure to meet ya laddie." He said with a deep voice, almost like a grunt.

"It's nice to meet you too."

They shook hands and Dain turned to the rest of the company to greet them.

"Be careful with Dain. His temper can be short some days." Thorin whispered so only Bilbo could hear.

"I will."

Bilbo still had a biscuit in his hand which Thorin pointed out. He ate it and set off back into the mountain along with the rest of the dwarves. Thorin and Bilbo showed them bed chambers to sleep in as they couldn't sleep out side because it was too cold. They didn't need their extra back up to freeze to death. The food hall was crowded that night. Bilbo had become accustomed to dwarf banquets; the throwing of food, singing and dancing on tables, drinking competitions and such. In fact, he found it quite entertaining. Especially now that they aren't barging into his home and pillaging his pantry. At some points he joined in with the singing as he was told of a few dwarf songs as a little hobbit. He had a nice time that night with Thorin, they held hands and sung together without a care in the world. Only the next day was not so cheery.

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