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After fighting and risking their lives, it was a relief for Bilbo and the company to finally see the Lonely Mountain. He had come a long way from his home in Bag End. He had fully expected the sackville-baggins' to clear out his home as they had so wished to for as long as he can remember. His thoughts however, were suddenly interrupted as he heard Thorin sigh. Bilbo looked at him and Thorin turned red and turned quickly away.

"Come on," Thorin said "2 days and we'll be there!"

The company followed him down the little hill and found a nice resting place. It was getting dark so they set their things down and started a fire. Thorin went to scout for any goblin or orc hideouts and came back with the news that he could not see any structures for miles. They settled down and went to bed. Bilbo had a strange feeling that he was being watched and turned around. There wasn't anyone looking at him as far as he was aware of so he turned back on his side and fell asleep

In the morning, Thorin was first to wake up. He sat up and looked around. Everyone else was asleep so he decided to go for a walk.

Bilbo and the rest of the company woke up to find Thorin was not there. But he evtually returned and explained where he went.
They continued to the Lonely Mountain and soon reached Lake Town. Kili was shot as they made their way to the town. They were welcome by the master and were given a shack to rest in. They had food and water and all eventually fell asleep. In the morning they got ready to head to the mountain and defeat Smaug. Kili stayed behind because of his leg and Fili wanted to stay with him. Oin stayed behind to help with Kili's leg. At the mountain they climbed up the long winding staircases and eventually reached a platform near the top. Thorin muttered to himself about the last light of Durin's day and eventually the sun set and everyone was disappointed. They started back down the mountain until Bilbo yelled:


Everyone cheered as Thorin took the key back to the wall and indeed there was a key hole. He out the key in it and turned it. Quite a few people of the company shuddered as the secret door creaked open.

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