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Days had past and Thorin was on one of his walks when Bifur came running up to him.

"Bilbo, he's awake!"

"Wha- quickly!"

Thorin ran through various corridors to Bilbo's chambers. He opened the door slowly and quietly and limped over to the side of the bed. Bilbo stared at him and tried to speak but Thorin stopped him.

"Rest, Bilbo. It will do you no good to strain your voice."

Bilbo reached for the dwarf's hand and he took it without hesitation. Bilbo smiled gently and closed his eyes and let sleep take over his body like a soft blanket.

The next morning, Bilbo didn't awake until late but found that Thorin was still asleep on a sofa opposite the bed. Bilbo wasn't on a fit state to walk so tried to recall his dreams. He vaguely remembered Thorin speaking but he could not remember what he was saying. He was pulled from his thoughts as he heard a groan from the sofa and saw Thorin sitting up and looking over at him. They smiled at eachother and Thorin went to go get breakfast for the two of them.

Bilbo had managed to pull himself up and prop his head against a stack of pillows. It was only his head that was seriously injured but he still needed to be eased into walking around and doing things. Thorin came back with the food and they are happily.

The next few days didn't exactly drag by but also didn't go fast either. Oin came in to do daily checkups and kept repeating that he was lucky he didn't lose his memory. Bilbo could get up and walk around now but not for very long. Oin wagered he'd be able to see all around normally again in around 5 days.

The days never seemed to end. Bilbo was recovering well and Thorin was scarring nicely. Neither had infections and were perfectly healthy. Oin pointed out that there was a very high possiblity Thorin could have a permit limp but he did not mind. Bilbo got headaches every now and then but not as fierce as the ones he had before. Oin insisted on telling him every last little thing about his headaches and, eventually, resorted to lying about them saying that they were nearly gone completely.

Bilbo was at Thorin's side when Fili and Kili came running up to them. They looked at the hobbit and dwarf king with a glint of suspicion in their eye which resulted in a pinch of the arm from Thorin. Bilbo giggled slightly and Fili glared at him.

"We came here to brag to Bilbo but of you're going to be here uncle, we won't bother." They emphasised a few words like a child.

"Brag to me about what?"

"Us killing Bolg but I guess we don't need to brag about it since our dear uncle clearly doesn't want us too"

"You can brag all you want boys" Thorin chortled.

Fili and Kili eyed Thorin and Bilbo one last time before jogging off and out of sight.

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