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"Thorin I want to help" pleaded Bilbo

"Bilbo, I can't let you. I don't want you to get hurt." Insisted Thorin

"Thorin ple-"

"Bilbo! I'm not going to be able to stop you from begging to fight. But I can stop you from getting seriously hurt. Follow me."

Bilbo followed Thorin through a few corridors and reached the armoury. The 4est of the company were fitting their chestplatws and choosing what weapons to use. Thorin led him to a corner where there was a chainmail like vest. It almost glowed in the torch light of the room.

"Bilbo, I want you to be safe but if it can't get you to stay in safety, then I can atleast give you something to protect you." Thorin said as he picked up the vest and held it between himself and Bilbo.

"Mithril. Eleven made. No blade or arrow can pierce it. With this you will be safe from any critical damage. Just be careful. Please?"

"Oh, Thorin. I- thank you. And no promises about the stay safe part. For all we know, I could be dragged off.."

Thorin pulled Bilbo around behind a pillar and quickly pecked him on the lips before taking Bilbo's coat off and pulling the mithril vest over his head. He let it fall and it dropped just above his knees. It was snug on Bilbo and a bit long but he didn't mind. It was as light as a feather and Bilbo could hardly feel it resting on his shoulders.

Another day passed by and the mix of worry and adrenaline coursed through every living soul in the mountain. Bilbo woke up in his assigned bed chamber at, what he could only assume, late in the morning. Possibly even the afternoon. He could hear the birds tweeting away in the blazing sun. He got up and got dressed and then headed towards the throne room where he found Thorin. Thorin's face lit up at the sight of Bilbo and nearly jumped off of his throne.

"Bilbo!" He took the hobbit into a tight embrace that nearly lifted him off his feet. "I want to spend as much time as possible with you. I feel as if it might bring some hope back that I know, if something does happen, we will atleast have spent some of our time together. Who knows what could happen tomorrow.." a rear slid down Thorins face but Bilbo wiped it away.

"I'd love to spend time with you. Of course I would. But, what would the others think?"

"The others opinions on today don't matter to me right now. All I care about is making sure our possible last moments together are happy ones."

"Thorin. Of course I will spend time with you. I want you to be safe as much as you want me to be safe. If I lose you out there, I don't know what I will do. I will never be the same hobbit again."

"I would never be the same dwarf without you-"

"Sorry to ruin ya little moment 'ere but if ya wanna go to battle, we need ta make some more preparations. " Said someone behind them. Balin had appeared "yer lucky it was me who found ya. Not anyone else."

The three chuckled to themselves as Thorin shook Balin's hand.

"I suppose you're right. I don't know what we would have done if it was Bofur or someone else." He chortled.

"We can sort out some of the armour if ya want laddie. I'm sure the others won't mind. Give you two some alone time. Ta talk, or ta make memories. It would be nice."

"Are you sure, Balin? I don't want to give any trouble." Worried Thorin

"Don't ya worry laddie. We'll get it all sorted out."

"Thank you"

"Ner problem laddie"

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