Smaug and the Treasure

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Thorin was in awe, Bilbo of course stepped in as he was the burglar. This was the whole reason why he came on the quest. He felt almost a slight bit of pity for Thorin when he told him about the mountain and how badly he wanted to get it back. He would go inside, find the arkenstone and as soon as he possibly could, return home to his maps and books in the Shire. He would have to wait until mid spring as they had arrived there around the end of autumn. Winter was a week or so away and Bilbo didn't want to return to Bag End in the freezing cold. His thoughts however, were suddenly put aside when he noticed a slight glow. He went towards it and found that it was the treasure room. He had found it. A loud grunt startled Bilbo slightly.he looked around to see where it came from, but there was no one there. Only gargantuan hills of gold and treasure stood in front of him and nothing else. He quickly went down some stairs and looked at the piles of goblets and coins. They looked even taller now that he was on the lowest stair. He walked onward and looked at anything he found that he thought looked like the arkenstone. He wondered where Smaug could have been until his thoughts were answered. Something had taken in a large breath and exhaled slowly. Mounds of gold moved and as the treasure slipped away, a great, big, copper coloured dragon appeared. His nostrils where almost the same size as Bilbo. He wasn't surprised at this considering he was less than half the size of a regular man. The dragon moved its tail slightly and even more gold toppled off of the hight mountains all the way down to the floor. All of this movement has revealed a strange, white glow. Bilbo tiptoed over to it and found that it was none other than the arkenstone, but before he could reach it, his feet where whipped of fof the floor by what seemed to be a large snake. Suddenly, a large yawn echoed around the room.

"Well, thief! I smell you, I hear your breath, I feel your air. Where are you?"
"There is something about you. Something you carry, something made of gold... but far more precious"

Bilbo hid behind a pillar before he was seen.

"I did not come to steal from you, Oh Smaug the Unassessably Wealthy. I merely wanted to gaze upon your magnificence, to see if you really were as great as the old tales say. I did not believe them"

Smaug ran around the pillar that Bilbo was hiding behind and stood tall on his hind legs.

"And do you, now?"

"Truly, tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity, Oh Smaug the Stupendous"

"You think flattery will keep you alive?"

"No, no!"

"No, indeed!"

"You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you and where do you come from, may I ask?" Smaug said venomously

"I come from under the hill...


"And under hills and over hills my paths lead. And through the air! I am he who walks unseen!"

"Impressive. What else do you claim to be?"

"L-Luck-Wearer... R-Riddle-Maker..."

"Lovely titles... Go on."


"Barrels! Now that is interesting!"

"Now what about your little dwarf friends? Where are they hiding?"

"Dwarves? No dwarves here... You've got that all wrong!"

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