Temporary Leave

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Bilbo was very happy to be leaving Erebor to go back to the Shire, albeit for a few months.

He was packing up his things when his door creaked. Thorin's face came in to view and warmly smiled at the little hobbit.

Bilbo was delighted to see his love so stopped packing for a moment.

"Are you excited?"

"Well, yes! I would like to go back for a week or two to get everything I need. But I'm happier with you"

Thorin let a small, deep chuckle escape his throat and walked over toward Bilbo. He hugged him and lifted him off of his feet. Bilbo squealed with delight.

Thorin helped pack Bilbo's things quicker and soon enough, they were clambering up on to ponies and set off on their travels back to Hobbiton.

There was a cart following Bilbo and Thorin to put all the things the hobbit needed. The cart in question was being driven by Balin and Dwalin, they would take turns driving and both were skilled fighters if matters got out of hand.

After only a few days of travelling they came across their first problem, orcs were jumping out at travellers and attempting to mug them for all they've got. Mugging on the Erebor trading routes was risky business but orcs were often hubris and believed they were very independent creatures.

The problem was quickly resolved, however, by only a few slices and stabs.

(AN: Sorry for not updating, I don't have a lot of inspiration at the moment, hope you all are well!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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